A Quote by Sasha Pieterse

If I can go every day of the week, that's great and I'll do it. Usually I can't, so it's about 4 or 5 times a week that I'll go to the gym. I just do cardio and make sure I tone. I love spin class and yoga and I work a lot on my legs and my abs and my arms.
I normally hit the gym five times a week. I tend to do half an hour of cardio - on the treadmill or a spin class - then head for the weights. I do a lot of core work, obviously!
I aim for four workouts a week. I work out with a trainer once a week. Then, I take a circuit class twice a week. The fourth workout is random, depending on what I'm in the mood for - either a run, a spin class, or yoga.
As long as I'm in the gym three times a week, I'm happy. I make sure to fit it in. It always depends. I'm not one of those people who goes at the same time every day because my day is so different every day, so it depends when I can get an hour in there, and I'll go.
I get bored doing the same activity over and over. In any one week, I could do a Pilates class, a yoga class, go to a gym, like a pump class, or do weights and then go for a run. Each day, I like to change it up a bit.
I work out a lot - five, six, days a week. I take yoga classes and go to the gym - I love doing it and I have the time to do it. Not everybody has that option.
I work out seven days a week, and I love every minute of it. It really is a way just to get away. I weight train and do cardio and stay active as much as possible every day; I have to just to clear my head. I love to get into the gym.
I skate six days a week, three sessions a day, and I go to the gym three times a week. I lift weights, do some ab work and whatever my trainer tells me to do. I take Saturdays off.
I go to the gym four times a week and play football about twice a week. I'm pretty active.
I try to work out about four or five times a week. I'll do a little bit of cardio, half hour on the punchbag, or just go for a jog.
I love hot yoga. I go to a sculpt class with weights. That's really good for the core and it's obviously super hot. I love cardio bar. I'm not a big gym fan, so I like to go to classes.
I work out six days a week. I do pilates, Bikram yoga and spinning. Every once in awhile, I'll throw weights in. I like to get some kind of cardio in every day, even if it's just hiking.
I do Ashtanga yoga three times a week, and I run a couple of times a week, too. I really like yoga; I enjoy the actual doing of it, so it doesn't feel like the agony of the gym felt like to me.
When I'm not filming full-time, I work out four times a week doing body weight exercises and weights. I'll do a leg day maybe with some abs, then the next day I'll do my arms.
I try to go to the gym three to four times a week and mix it up with yoga or a personal trainer.
I go to the gym four times a week for 45 minutes to an hour without fail; I like using weights for muscle tone and the bike and rower for my heart rate. I do quite a lot of floor exercises.
At the end of summer, I go on a detox because I know I need a clear mind for Fashion Week. You need a lot of energy, and the ability to focus, in preparation for this craziness. I go to the gym, too, just to make sure I have the endurance to keep up with everything.
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