A Quote by Scott DesJarlais

As a member of Congress, I strongly believe I have a responsibility to be truthful, even if that means delivering difficult news. — © Scott DesJarlais
As a member of Congress, I strongly believe I have a responsibility to be truthful, even if that means delivering difficult news.
I believe it is my responsibility as a member of Congress to ensure that I protect our country from any and all threats.
An enlarged Union based on Nice is not in the interest of any Member State ... This is not a threat. This is a messenger delivering news.
Bringing good news is imparting hope to one's fellow man. The idea of redemption is always good news, even if it means sacrifice or some difficult times.
As a member of Congress, I believe Congress must provide oversight of actions by the Executive Branch as our system of checks and balances requires.
The bottom line is that every single member of Congress has to get voted into office every two or six years. That means they need to look really good in their home district and state. That means good local press. That means people in their district thinking, "Man, I really don't like Congress, but I like Senator Bob."
The idea of redemption is always good news, even if it means sacrifice or some difficult times.
As a member of Congress, I believe it is the responsibility of those elected to represent the people at every level of government to ensure that our government works to ensure that every person who wants gainful employment has it.
Try to be transparent, clear and truthful. Even when it is difficult, and above all when it is difficult.
I don't want to make a member of Congress do something that that member of Congress's constituents would not approve of, or would not agree to. So in that regard, I'm kind of the opposite of a lobbyist.
Integrity is fundamental to being men. Integrity means being truthful, but it also means accepting responsibility and honoring commitments and covenants.
I became a conservative because I believe that caring for people means more than just spending taxpayer money; it means delivering results. It means respecting and challenging our citizens, telling them what they need to hear, not simply what they want to hear.
Entrepreneurialism, to me, means being able to fail. And I believe that kind of leadership is not necessary only in business, but it's necessary for running countries, too. You've got to be able to believe in something strongly enough that you want to do it even if there's a risk of failure.
When I made my first trip to Israel as a member of Congress, not only did I meet with the Israeli president and prime minister, but I also traveled to Ramallah to meet with the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority. That's what being a member of Congress is about.
More generally, I strongly believe in the importance of fiscal responsibility.
I don't believe in delivering four times a year and then also delivering things that are not season appropriate.
Look. I have always rejected the argument that members of Congress cast their vote because they're Jewish or not Jewish. I didn't cast my vote as a Jewish member of Congress. I cast my vote as a member of Congress.
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