A Quote by Scott Gottlieb

The overly engineered, overly regulated market that Obamacare created resulted in restrictive health care plans that provide little choice, and coverage that is far too costly for what the plans offer.
Before Obamacare, insurance networks typically covered an entire state. Under Obamacare, insurers are able to bid to offer coverage mostly on a county-by-county basis. It means that health plans only need to fashion doctor networks as wide as the county that they're bidding to offer coverage in.
Every Republican has a one-liner on ObamaCare. I've got detailed plans on energy independence, on school choice, on health care, on foreign policy. They all hire somebody to write their plans. They can borrow mine. I've actually got ideas. Enough with the slick talkers. Let's elect somebody that's done something.
High-quality health care is not available to millions of Americans who don't have health insurance, or whose substandard plans provide minimum coverage. That's why the Affordable Care Act is so important. It provides quality health insurance to both the uninsured and underinsured.
Many people have already lost their health care, millions already lost their health care, because they have it and can't use it because of the explosive skyrocketing premiums, or they literally lost their doctors or insurance plans or their access to health care through Obamacare.
How does a religious employer's decision not to offer health plans with abortion coverage dictate to anyone what to do with her own body?
Obamacare does much more than provide coverage to the previously uninsured - it improves the quality of coverage for all of us. Critical cancer and other health screenings are free. Women and people with disabilities or chronic conditions are no longer charged more - or priced out of the market altogether.
I think mental illness is a slippery slope to talk about these days because people are overly diagnosed, overly prescribed, overly everything.
The authors of the Affordable Care Act wrongly assumed that new kinds of health plans, engineered in Washington, D.C., would emerge to displace the national for-profit insurers.
Magic Johnson links his HIV and treatment to health care as though ObamaCare would provide the same level of care that a mega rich celebrity would get. Is he going to dump his coverage? Is he going to dump it and sign up for ObamaCare?
Too often, black athletes are presented as angry, overly aggressive and overly sexual. Or sometimes, they're just plain emasculated.
There is broad scienti?c consensus that genetically engineered crops currently on the market are safe to eat. After 14 years of cultivation and a cumulative total of 2 billion acres planted, no adverse health or environmental effects have resulted from commercialization of genetically engineered crops.
The future will take care of itself. My plans have fallen flat. Nothing that I planned has worked for me so far. So I don't plan anymore. I keep short-term plans.
We designed both our state employee health plans and the one we created for low-income Hoosiers as Health Savings Accounts, and now in the tens of thousands these citizens are proving that they are fully capable of making smart, consumerist choices about their own health care.
The majority of Americans receive health insurance coverage through their employers, but with rising health care costs, many small businesses can no longer afford to provide coverage for their employees.
As a kid, I was overly studious, overly serious, very academically driven. It was important to me on a cellular level to do well. And then I went to college at Harvard, and I relaxed a little bit.
I'm certainly when it comes to health care - I mean, we want to repeal and replace "Obama care." We're going to repeal - "Obama care" is a total disaster for this country, a total and complete disaster. We're going to come up with plans, and there are lots of alternatives. We're going to come up with plans that are far less expensive, better for the people and better for the country.
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