A Quote by Scott Kelly

Adjusting to space is easier than adjusting to Earth for me. — © Scott Kelly
Adjusting to space is easier than adjusting to Earth for me.
Man's unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself.
I think I'm very good at adjusting to anything and to any situation, and if you are good at being in the moment and adjusting, you can actually have a clear vision of what to do with things or how to do things.
It is still true that it is easier to compose a poem in the form of a manual for adjusting a VCR than it is to write a piece using just tuning as a symphony.
We survive day by day on this planet by adjusting down, adjusting down. Little by little, imperceptibly, we adjust to increasingly deadly conditions, and come to accept them as 'natural' or inevitable.
Science is a matter of adjusting language to explain material reality. Art is a matter of adjusting material reality to create a sense of life.
And just as I was climbing into that first-class seat, and wrapping myself in a blanket, just as I was adjusting my pillow behind my head, and having a sip of that champagne, and just as I was bringing down and adjusting my Thai purple sleep mask, I had an inkling. I had a flash. I suddenly thought I knew what it was that had killed Marilyn Monroe.
Justice is that system of adjusting conflicting interests which makes the group strong and progressive rather than weak and retrogressive whereas injustice is a system of adjusting conflicting interests which makes a nation weak and retrogressive rather than strong and progressive.
People are very accommodating and adjusting in Ahmedabad and that's what touches me a lot. It's the warmth of Amdavadis that moves me.
We shall seek first to tell the truth rather than to study the subtle art of adjusting it to the circumstances of time and person.
If you are uncomfortable you are always adjusting.
Most dancers are less eccentric than driven. It starts young. When other kids are at the playground, we're in the studio, endlessly drilling jumps and adjusting our socks.
It was tough. We went right from being teenagers to musical superstars with money and fame and attention. All of us had a hard time adjusting to it, especially me.
Becoming a comedienne was my way of adjusting to puberty.
I think the media world is adjusting to the digital age.
The first effect of adjusting to other people is that one becomes boring.
There is a vast difference between treating effects and adjusting the cause.
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