A Quote by Scott Parker

I think experience is vital for that. You become wiser: you know where to be, what positions to take up, how to play it. — © Scott Parker
I think experience is vital for that. You become wiser: you know where to be, what positions to take up, how to play it.
It always helps to play every game at the back with the same players. You get a good understanding of each other and how one of you works, and what positions to take up.
I was actually permitting myself to experience a sickening sense of disappointment: but rallying my wits, and recollecting my principles, I at once called my sensations to order; and it was wonderful how I got over the temporary blunder-how I cleared up the mistake of supposing Mr. Rochester's movements a matter in which I had any cause to take vital interest.
Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure.
I'm lucky to have played two different positions. But of course the experience I gained as a full back - knowledge of defending, and taking up the right positions, helps me as a midfielder.
I've always believed as a value that the government has a vital - not overwhelming, but vital - role to play in furthering human welfare and good. I think we have an important supportive role to play, hopefully intelligent and sensible.
In modern day football, you've got to play in different positions. I've played in numerous positions, apart from centre-back and goalkeeper, I think.
There was a part, you know, obviously there was a part of the whole I military experience that you know like hooks right into the whole boyhood experience that that you know most American boys have growing up, you know, which is proving your manhood by proving how hard you are, by proving that you can take it.
How do you play someone in a movie? How do you do that? It's impossible - unless you know how. How do you cut somebody open and take out their appendix and sew them back up and watch them get well? That's impossible - unless you know how.
I think educating children at pre-school age is vital because then they are picking up good habits that become part of their lifestyle, so it's never going to be a big issue for them to have to learn how to do it.
I know what I bring to the table: my ability to shoot the ball, defend multiple positions, play multiple positions, two through the four.
To become attached to the experience of peace is to threaten the true and essential and vital union of our soul with God above sense and experience in the darkness of a pure and perfect love.
I am not ashamed to admit that in the games against Barcelona I spent a lot of the time just hoping he would take up positions as far away from me as possible. Elusive is the word that immediately springs to mind when I think about Messi's style of play. You think you have an eye on him and then - blink - he has gone, only to reappear somewhere else in space, with the ball.
I think it's a broader target list than just Wall Street, and I believe that we have to be very focused on how we try to take back the power and increase the empowerment of the American people. And, I think I have that kind of experience, maybe because they've beat me up for so many years, and I know exactly how to handle them because I've been in the arena with them time and time again.
Among the many things that profoundly impress me about the Dalai Lama, quite high up on the list is his ability to say "I don't know". I've often wished that other people in prominent positions wouldn't feel the compulsion to have an answer for everything and would feel equally free to say "I don't know." It's a sign of wisdom to know that you don't know and a sign of stupidity to think that you know everything. I admire it enormously in him, and wonder why so few people in leading positions reach that stage.
When you know you're gonna have the opportunity to shoot the ball, because the coach draws up the play at the timeout, boom instantly you think about the play, you kind of like block away everything, and you think about the play and you kind of visualize yourself making the shot that you're gonna take.
To be called up to England, to play at Old Trafford and then to come and play at the Bridge, there's so much experience I can take away.
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