A Quote by Scott Schuman

I don't at least for me I don't ever really look for trends. I'm looking for just what captures my attention at that time and rarely do I ever look back and try and put together trends or say this kind of trend is important. For me it's about the individual expression and if you go back and look through the archives you might find certain things become trends, but it's just not something that particularly interests me.
What makes me sad in fashion is that everyone is looking for trends. A trend is one thing. Timeless is another. In 20 years, I've seen so many trends. It makes me sad when people go for the trend versus quality or vision. Or when people wear something so basic just to make sure they're considered cool, like a white t-shirt.
Trends are just as important in politics as they are in fashion; just that rather than an aesthetic trend, it might be an ideological, behavioral or cultural trend - you need to keep track of all kinds of trends in politics because you need to know if you come out and say something, what the adoption of that will be six months down the road.
Trends suck you in, anywhere in the world, patterns you don't even see. It's so easy. Look at Wall Street - look at any sports team in the world - there are trends. Look at exercising. Nothing but patterns and trends, and that's what I started to see. Like a flock of birds all flying in one direction.
People are storytelling creatures. We like stories that go somewhere, and therefore we like trends - because trends are things that either get better or get worse, so we can either rejoice or lament. But we mistakenly depict many things as trends moving in some direction. We take the "full house" of variation in a system and try to represent it as a single number, when in fact what we should be doing is studying the variation as it expands and contracts. If you look at the history of the variation in all its complexity, then you see there's no trend.
For me, style is something that I'm comfortable in. I don't really follow any trends. I just like to wear things that look good on me and suit my body and personality.
People always ask me what the trends are, but I?m not a believer in trends. Individuality is more important to me, to stand out and have the confidence to wear something you?re comfortable in - it just happens I?m comfortable wearing a suit!
I don't personally follow trends; I don't even like the idea of trends. I think it's kind of absurd that you have to change every six months, so I always try and buy things that hopefully I'll like forever, and resonate with me.
I'm not too into the trends - I like to look at trends as suggestions, not as rules.
The trends that last and the trends that are relevant are the ones that make you look pretty.
I’m not too into the trends - I like to look at trends as suggestions, not as rules.
Trends can tyrannize; trends are traps. In any creative industry, the fact that others are moving in a certain direction is always proof positive, at least to me, that a new direction is the only direction.
Trends come and go, and style evolves. It's important to have pieces of jewelry that are timeless and look chic despite ever-changing fashions.
Photos convey a point in time, so for casual snapshots I say wear the trends so you have fun images to look back at.
I looked at the rap community like street kids wanting their own brand. But now I look at that period with the rappers in the 90s as a trend of the moment. What it taught me was never to follow a trend, because trends move on.
I don't like to follow too many trends because trends tend to make women look like they are wearing uniforms.
Sometimes you miss friends, and it's hard for them, as well, when you're just gone for a long time. I can't just go and see them any time I want because when I'm free, they may not be free, but I definitely wouldn't change it, ever. But, when you find really great friends, that doesn't matter, and I'm lucky to have some people who really, really look after me and look out for me. I definitely wouldn't ever change it.
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