A Quote by Sean McVay

What you realize is when you have an environment and an atmosphere like we had at Marist, where guys cared about each other, the coaches were great teachers and communicators, whether it's high school, college or pro, I think coaching is coaching.
I wound up through a wild set of circumstances getting into coaching. I went in and volunteered with Don Coryell, who was a big part of my past, great coach. A lot of people say he was one of the greatest coaches ever. He was very good in high school, college and pro. Another guy on that staff was named John Madden.
When I got fired from coaching, I started coaching high school because my son played. I realized real quick that high school football is in trouble. There's no budget. A lot of kids have got to pay to play, and every year, coaches are getting out of the profession. Kids aren't playing like they used to. It bothers me.
I went to many coaching clinics, talked to other coaches, read articles, books, etc. Anything I could do that would help me prepare to be the best coach possible. Fortunately, the coaches I had as a player were good men and were excellent role models in setting priorities and relating to the team members and coaching staff.
If you are getting into coaching right out of college, you're not one of the coaches because you're not really, like, a coach yet. You're someone who's in limbo all the time. Navigating that is not easy. If you try to be too much like a player, then the coaches are like, You're not too serious about coaching. If you're going to be too much like a coach, the players are not going to confide in anything.
I'm quite sure there are other things that I could have done in life whether it's working for Humana, teaching in college, high school teacher. Coaching stuck.
I learnt a lot about coaching from observing other coaches. I would recommend that they attend coaching courses and coach development opportunities wherever possible
When I was in college, I was a landscaper. Other than that, coaching has been my life and my job. A lot of people like coaching college, but I would never do it again. There are too many NCAA bylaws, rules and politics.
I didn't realize the difference between coaching college and coaching the NBA. It's a totally different animal.
I received my Master's degree from the University of Utah while coaching at Granite High School. I obtained my doctorate from BYU while coaching. I pursued these degrees to prepare myself if coaching didn't work out.
I kind of like the idea of just coaching, nothing else. But I just think some coaches are better suited for college than the NBA. I believe I'm one of those guys. I think Tom Izzo is one of those guys. Mike Krzyzewski. I think they found the right jobs and they've stayed with them.
I can't imagine the difficulty of going from coaching a college team where you control your own environment to coming to a pro-style where the players control the environment.
I love coaching. I would probably be coaching. I would work in athletes and work with the youth. I would maybe do personal development and athletics. I would coach in high school or college.
I think I have some ideas on coaching, but listen, coaches work harder than players. The hours they put in, the headaches that they have. That's the one thing I've never liked about coaching. They have all the emotion, passion and preparation without actually getting to be able to dictate what happens.
It's that way all the way down the line. I've got a boy coaching college ball and another son coaching high school. All the way down to summer leagues, all the way down to kids who are 14 years old. All those teams have a closer.
My coaching staff gets to go to the World Series. From a financial perspective that's great for coaches because baseball coaches in the Major League level don't really make that much money. People don't realize that.
I've had a couple of people - prominent coaches - walk into an office, shut the door and say, 'What's it like, not coaching?' They're scared. They're scared not to have that. And I'll tell them, 'You know, it's different. You're not going to replace coaching. But there's some normality that's out there, and that's also kind of refreshing.'
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