A Quote by Sean Waltman

When I was in WCW, I was definitely like... kind of cutthroat, a little bit. — © Sean Waltman
When I was in WCW, I was definitely like... kind of cutthroat, a little bit.
L.A. can be a little bit daunting. It is great, but it is a very cutthroat area and industry to be in, so London feels a bit more homely for me.
There's a lot of movies, and I've made some of them that could be categorized this way, but there's definitely been a trend in animated features of all types to be a little bit cynical, if you will, to have a little bit of 'knowing' humor to them, kind of a wink to the audience.
I just like to work with other people, and I like things that are kind of a little bit bigger than that. I don't know. I just feel like a solo record just kind of gives me the willies a little bit.
I think you always take away a little bit of a character with you, and it kinda like hangs on you for a bit, and then as time kind of goes and wears off a little bit.
I like songs that have like a little bit of quirkiness to them. What I like to do with songs, is kind of throw a little curveball in the lyrics or in the arrangement, to kind of give it a little twist to it.
I don't really know too many designers. I like a lot of what Kanye West has done with Yeezy, but I think it's a bit too, how you say, elevated; it's a little bit too special. Like he's trying to make something that's kind of a little bit too cool sometimes.
The people at the very top could fall by and grace you with their presence and give you a little largesse, and you'd be "Oh, I'm so beloved." In a way, it was kind of like flattery. The middle managers didn't quite have that cachet, but at the same time, they had to seem like they were of that caliber. So there's a little bit of loneliness at the heart of those with a little bit of power.
I'm a jeans and t-shirts kind of guy, but there have definitely been moments where I'm like, 'You know what? I need to upgrade a little bit.' I've tried to snazz things up as much as I can, with me being as lazy as I am.
I definitely carry a little bit of a burden with me, being a gay athlete going to the Olympics. I think that there's pressure on me... It presents an amazing opportunity, and I think that it kind of gives us a chance to shed people's misconceptions and just kind of, like, break down barriers.
Oh, I had my gothy phase, but I was never a troublemaker or anything like that. I was a little bit introspective, a little bit morbid. I was small for my age, so I was bullied and that kind of stuff.
There was definitely a time where I kind of did rebel a little bit, but it was not until I had graduated college.
I definitely like a little bit of darkness, a little edge. I get a little bored when things are maybe too simple or too... expected.
I always try to bring a little bit of my own personality to the character, or some sort of personal connection makes it a little bit more of an organic portrayal and the audience can kind of maybe believe it a little bit more. But I always look for something to kind of connect with and identify with, or bring something of myself to the table.
I kinda like messing with perception a little bit. Kind of what drugs do sometimes, and drinking. I mean, you know, you mess with your mind a little bit to see life from different angles. Within reason, if you can handle it.
I always have to pretend I'm somebody else to give the best performance. It kind of feels like I'm acting; it's definitely an exaggerated version of me. I'm a very normal, down-to-earth person, but I wanted the videos to be striking, so I have to lay it on a little bit.
I can't give my secrets away. But I've definitely been putting in a lot of work, and you can kind of see that it pays off a little bit.
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