A Quote by Selma Blair

I'm older and have a kid, I like success on my own, but I always enjoyed all my parts playing the fifth wheel. I mean, just loved it. There was such freedom in it and I still got to enjoy watching everyone work.
I just enjoyed telling stories. I enjoyed watching films and reading and becoming someone else. I spent a lot of time on my own when I was younger; I enjoyed my own company and still do, so it was a source of escapism.
I played in different positions as a kid, and it helped me learn different parts of the game, but I found that I was always scoring goals, and that continued as I got older. I've always enjoyed scoring, and it seemed to come naturally. Fortunately, that has carried on into my professional career.
Fielding has always come naturally to me and I've always enjoyed it. While keeping, you're just standing in one place and I've done it so many times so I've enjoyed fielding and that's why I enjoy playing as a batsman.
I've always loved horror, I've always loved collecting, I've always loved weird and macabre things, and I've always loved conventions. So what could be better than having your own Fear FestEviL where all those great and crazy things can be enjoyed by like-minded people under one pretty cool roof? Nothing!
My family was always playing music; I always enjoyed it. My cousin, who is a little older than me, he started playing music, so I wanted to, also. I asked my dad for a guitar, and he got me a banjo, so that was my introduction to playing. I played it like a guitar. I had a few lessons, learned out a few chords, and figured it out right away.
As my sister got older, I saw how excited she got when she got to do all of that stuff. I was always like, "One day, I'll get to do older parts." I thought that was cool.
I don't think ambition was ever my strong suit. I always wanted to be successful, because you want to be good at what you do, but I've definitely always enjoyed playing a supporting part. I really enjoy the success of others.
It's cool that people enjoy my work. That's fun for me that people, like going to my movies and enjoy all the hard work that everyone put into it. I think that's the biggest reward, to know that everyone enjoyed the movies with me.
Some kids are good at sports, some are good at school work. I just always loved business, from the time I was a little kid. It was always something that I really enjoyed.
It's not so much that I don't enjoy playing live - that's one of the best parts of playing music - it's that it's nerve-racking with 300, 500 people watching.
To have the opportunity to work with Tiger Woods was just so awesome. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the challenge. I enjoyed the good parts where he was winning. And I enjoyed the challenge to help him get better. But six years was enough.
I've always loved watching the news on TV. As a kid, I loved watching Walter Cronkite, for some reason.
I was aggressive but I played the game because I loved and enjoyed it. I might have hurt people and I got hurt myself a few times, but not with any malice. When I went on to the field I just wanted to play football. I didn't go out to kick anybody purposely. I just enjoyed playing and if that's aggression, then I'm guilty of that.
When I was a kid, I really loved watching 'Cinderella.' It's a fantasy, and every girl knows that real life isn't always like these movies, but as a child, I just really loved the story of 'Cinderella.' I found it to be so romantic and just a beautiful movie to watch.
I was always fighting with everyone when I was a kid. I was playing with people two or three years older than me, and I had to survive. So I love the physical game, the contact. And I don't know why, but I think football is like this. It is not just touching the ball and stringing together 50 pretty passes consecutively.
I have always enjoyed performing, but I think when I was in the fifth grade was when I discovered that I really loved acting.
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