A Quote by Seneca the Younger

A dwarf is small even if he stands on a mountain; a colossus keeps his height, even if he stands in a well. — © Seneca the Younger
A dwarf is small even if he stands on a mountain; a colossus keeps his height, even if he stands in a well.
I could talk all day, T stands for talking, T stands for tender, T stands for things that don't even rhyme with T.
Dwarf is dwarf even at the top of the mountain; giant is giant even at the bottom of the well!
It stands for diversity. It stands for vision and strength. It stands for belief in the right things. That's what I think it stands for.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life.
Think naught a trifle, though it small appear; Small stands the mountain, moments make the year, and trifles life.
In the mountain, stillness surges up to explore its own height In the lake, movement stands still to contemplate its own depth.
The esthete stands in the same relation to beauty as the pornographer stands to love, and the politician stands to life.
sometimes a man stands up during supper and walks outdoors, and keeps on walking, because of a church that stands somewhere in the East. And his children say blessings on him as if he were dead. And another man, who remains inside his own house, stays there, inside the dishes and in the glasses, so that his children have to go far out into the world toward that same church, which he forgot.
Baylor has stood here before the state of Texas was even formed. It will be here for a long time. It hit a rough time, but this is what Baylor stands for. It stands for excellence and leadership and service and a spiritual mission.
Feminism, as it stands, well... stands. It has ground to a halt.
Literature stands related to Man as Science stands to Nature; it is his history.
Tim Miller's idea of Colossus was to be bigger and stronger than everyone else, so for the motion capture, they needed an extremely tall man. I'm 6-foot-4, but he wanted Colossus to be over 7 feet, so they used a stunt double to recreate his height, and he did very good job there.
You know what 'FEAR' stands for? It stands for 'False Evidence Appearing Real.' It's the darkroom where Satan develops his negatives.
If eternity had a season, it would be midsummer. Autumn, winter, spring are all change and passage, but at the height of summer the year stands poised. It's only a passing moment, but even as it passes the heart knows it cannot change.
We don't train executives, we find them. If a mountain stands up like Everest, you don't have to be a genius to figure out that it's a high mountain.
God is, even though the whole world deny him. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained.
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