A Quote by Seo In-guk

I personally think I have a weird face. — © Seo In-guk
I personally think I have a weird face.

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I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.
I knew that my hair was falling out and I had really weird skin. My face looked really weird and I was getting this fuzz on my face and I was always cold - always to the point of uncontrollably shaking. I was more scared that 85 lbs. wasn't good enough. I wanted to be lower.
One of things about beards is that, when men reach a certain age, they'd like to see if they can grow one. It's a phenomenon I understand very well. After you get over the itchy face, you go, "Oh, I don't have to shave, that's cool." And then you move into the philosophical thing- people say, "You look weird, you have a beard." And you say, "No, actually, it's weird to shave." Having a beard is natural. When you think about it, shaving it off is quite weird.
Some New York bands you'll see rocking Ones or Dunks and things like that, but it is weird that the sneakerhead thing has become so massive. Personally, I think it's really silly.
Weird stuff, for me, is not that weird. I guess if it were other people, they'd think it was weird. I eat nutritional yeast. And sometimes I take clay shots to help pull toxins out of my body. I eat weird L.A. food, so I guess that's probably weird in other people's eyes.
I used to think that anyone doing anything weird was weird. I suddenly realized that anyone doing anything weird wasn't weird at all and it was the people saying they were weird that were weird.
Personally, I don't like Botox or fillers because I think it drastically changes the shape of your face.
The best part of being married is, everything we face in life, we face as a team. I don't do a thing - professionally or personally - without discussing it with my wife.
I still feel like a weird kid who is about to take a punch in the face. So, I think it's permanent.
The Christianity that saves is a thing personally grasped, personally experienced, personally felt and personally possessed.
Call me weird, but personally, when it comes to my ovaries, I prefer to speak to my gynecologist. I don't think the leaders of the free world should have to be an expert on the issue, nor should they ever publicly voice their opinions.
I have a weird thing against facials. I feel like all day my face is being touched and messed with on set, so I don't want more people touching my face!
It must be strange for any celebrity to come face to face with an impersonator. When you're that much of a personal icon and reference point that people impersonate you, it's gotta be a little weird.
In reality, people are people. Age does a weird thing to your body on the outside. It makes your face fall and weird things happen all over. But inside, you're the same person you always were.
In fact almost everyone in my yearbook wrote the same thing to me: "To weird girl, you're nice." I didn't think it was bad. When I showed my mother she said, "Everyone is different." Being weird became my tool. I'm weird; that's who I am. It was my coping badge.
Don't you think its quite weird for Prince Harry, getting really stoned and seeing your grans face appearing on your money.
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