A Quote by Serena Williams

I never left my roots. You can identify me as someone that didn't become high and mighty. Humility is a defining [trait] all of us can forever learn, and I try to be as humble as anyone can be.
You have to learn humility. First of all you have to be humble people. Unless and until you have a large heart you can never humble down. You have to be an extremely humble person. Humility doesn't mean that you bow to a person who is dominating, it never means that. But it means a strength within you. The person who is weak can never be humble.
Do not try to be humble: learn humility.
If you trust in Nature, in the small Things that hardly anyone sees and that can so suddenly become huge, immeasurable; if you have this love for what is humble and try very simply, as someone who serves, to win the confidence of what seems poor, then everything will become easier for you.
Humility is the essence of repentance. Humility is selfless, not selfish. It doesn't demand its own way or speak with moral superiority. Instead, humility answers softly and listens kindly for understanding, not vindication. Humility recognizes that no one can change someone else, but with faith, effort, and the help of God, we can undergo our own mighty change of heart.
There is false humility and genuine humility and between them, there is a desire of the practitioner to become humble.
Anyone who is humble but still super accomplished, super recognized, renowned, has status, and has every reason to not have to be humble if they don't want to, but they still choose to be humble because they value that humanity is connected - that we're all on the same level as humans - that humility is what wins my heart.
The way to succeed is never quit. That's it. But really be humble about it. ... You start out lowly and humble and you carefully try to learn an accretion of little things that help you get there.
Whenever you have a thought that excludes or judges anyone else, you aren't defining them. You're defining yourself as someone who needs to judge others.
Jesus told us to learn from him how to be meek and humble of heart. We must look at his life if we are to have any concept of what humility is all about.
Humility is the first step towards learning. You can’t learn until you are humble enough to realize there is something for you to learn.
In fighting, when someone's signed up to fight me, I'm not humble. I've never been humble.
My mother used to hope that I would rise up from my humble roots. Become someone sucessful, or even famous. I'm famous all right, but I don't think it's what she had in mind.
Your patient has become humble; have you drawn his attention to the fact? All virtues are less formidable to us once the man is aware that he has them, but this is specially true of humility.
We shall never learn to know ourselves except by endeavoring to know God; for, beholding His greatness we realize our own littleness; His purity shows us our foulness; and by meditating upon His humility we find how very far we are from being humble.
I try to be as humble as possible and try to project that to the world. But some people don't see that. They think I'm just in Atlanta spending money. But I try to be humble. I try to let the world know that I am still humble.
We must overturn so many idols, the idol of self first of all, so that we can be humble, and only from our humility can learn to be redeemers, can learn to work together in the way the world really needs.
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