A Quote by Sergio Ramos

I don't watch football debate shows on TV, hardly listen to the radio or read the papers. — © Sergio Ramos
I don't watch football debate shows on TV, hardly listen to the radio or read the papers.
I don't read the papers; I don't listen to radio.
I don't read the papers or watch TV.
Although I hardly ever turn on the TV set unless it's football season, I do watch a lot of TV on my iPad - perfect for long airplane journeys.
I don't watch TV. I don't listen to radio.
I majored in criminal justice. I like 'CSI,' all that, '24.' I watch those shows on A&E, if I watch TV. I don't really watch TV shows.
I almost never listen to radio or watch political talk shows, especially if I happen to be on them.
On Sunday morning, I'll read the papers and listen to The Archers' omnibus - I love radio at the weekend especially Any Questions?' and the Woman's Hour' omnibus.
Doing TV shows helps me a lot in my screenplay writing and filmmaking, especially since my TV shows are in different formats: comedy sketches, talk shows, debate programs, art variety shows, quiz shows. These enable me to meet interesting people with interesting stories and to learn about interesting subjects, all of which I can reflect into film.
I don't have regular TV; I have Apple TV, so I pick what I watch, which is perhaps not a good thing. I read all the big publications and also listen to a lot of podcasts.
In no other country is football lived like it is in Italy, almost to the point of overkill. There is too much football on TV and in the papers, there is always talk about football during the week.
I'm not ashamed of any of my papers at all and I'm rather sick of snobs that tell us that they're bad papers, snobs who only read papers that no one else wants. I doubt if they read many papers at all.
I've always believed in myself and I've surrounded myself with positive-thinking people. That's why a lot of times I don't watch the sports shows or listen to the radio because of that simple fact, that there's too many critics out there and if you listen to everybody's opinion, I think it works against you.
I hardly watch any Indian TV shows and prefer watching a good film or reading over it any day.
Now, academics are not always the easiest people to talk to, and the scholarly papers aren't always the easiest papers to read, but frankly, psychology papers, especially papers and books on terrorism, are very easy to read, and journalists should be reading them.
I have kids. I can't hardly watch an afternoon football game with them without having to turn off the TV during the commercials. It's too much. I don't know when violence was deemed such a cinematic thing.
I don't read the papers; I stopped reading the papers. I read the papers only during periods of crisis, and I think papers are too long on a regular day and too short days when we have a crisis.
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