A Quote by Seth Godin

Successful people are successful for one simple reason: they think about failure differently. — © Seth Godin
Successful people are successful for one simple reason: they think about failure differently.
When people talk about successful retailers and those that are not so successful, the customer determines at the end of the day who is successful and for what reason.
Most employees want to be involved in a successful business and most employees are happy for people running successful businesses to be paid a reasonable wage and a market rate for it, provided they understand the reason. What they hate most of all is pay for failure.
What's the difference between people who feel successful and people who feel they've failed? The answer is mindset: If you learn and grow from failure, suddenly it becomes a personal asset. People who are successful don't want instant gratification. They don't think about hitting a point of success and never working again. Instead they ask, How do I improve myself and continue to do that consistently over time?
People always say, 'How is it to be so successful?' I'm not successful yet. Richard Branson is successful. That's successful. Michael Jackson was successful. U2 was successful. I'm just a guy, doing okay. But I'm a happy guy doing okay.
Successful people have a bigger fear of failure than people who've never done anything because if you haven't been successful, then you don't know how it feels to lose it all. You don't have that fear. So why do you think people get stuck in those boxes? It's that fear of going back down.
Successful people have a bigger fear of failure than people who've never done anything because if you haven't been successful, then you don't know how it feels to lose it all.
The primary reason for underachievement and failure is that the great majority of people don't decide to be successful.
You should pursue your passion. If you're passionate about something and you work hard, then I think you'll be successful. If you start a business because you think you're going to make a lot of money at it, then you probably won't be successful, because that's the wrong reason to start a business. You have to really believe in what you're doing, be passionate enough about it so that you will put in the hours and hard work that it takes to actually succeed there, and then you'll be successful.
The more successful enterprises are the more they try to replicate, duplicate, codify what makes us great. And suddenly they're inward thinking. They're thinking how can we continue to do what we've done in the past without understanding that what made them successful is to take risks, to change and to adapt and to be responsive. And so in a sense success breeds its own failure. And I think it's true of a lot of successful businesses.
I don't think anybody should do what they do in hopes of being successful. But I always expect myself to be successful at things. And if I'm not, I feel bad. I don't care for failure. I've failed at a number of things, and it's not my favorite state of mind. So I prefer success.
I'm not successful in Hollywood, and I probably would never be. I think Hollywood has such an interesting model for success, and it creates those successful people. I'm not in that chosen category, but what is successful for me is that, in spite of that, I've been able to work and do the things that I wrote down that I wanted to do and be.
The only thing all successful people have in common is that they're successful, so don't waste your time copying "the successful strategies" of others.
Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worries. They just don't let these feelings stop them.
First of all, from a spiritual perspective, I don't think anyone needs to be apologetic about being successful or having money. The more successful you are, the more job opportunities you create for other people.
I think that the word 'ambitious' is still used in a derogatory way when it comes to women, in a way that it's not when it comes to men. It's a generalisation because not everyone is like this, but I think there's almost a love-hate relationship going on with successful women, where you can be a little bit successful and you'll be celebrated, but don't become too successful because that seems to bring out the hate in some cases. Take one glance at social media and you can see that successful women don't seem to be treated with the same respect as successful men.
I want to be successful. Not just money. Just making a successful record and a successful show... I could feel successful without selling a million records.
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