A Quote by Seth Godin

You don't win an Olympic gold medal with a few weeks of intensive training. — © Seth Godin
You don't win an Olympic gold medal with a few weeks of intensive training.
You don't win an Olympic gold medal with a few weeks of intensive training. There's no such thing as an overnight opera sensation. Great law firms or design companies don't spring up overnight... Every great company, every great brand, and every great career has been built in exactly the same way: bit by bit, step by step, little by little.
From the time I started boxing, my dream was to win an Olympic gold medal. At 10, I can't say I knew how big the Olympics are. I just knew that every kid in the gym wanted to win an Olympic gold medal. Every kid in every gym probably wants to win an Olympic gold medal.
I wouldn't say that there's ever been an Olympic champion that didn't deserve to win an Olympic Gold Medal.
I was told that there are about 900 gold medal winners in American Olympic history. When I thought about the number 900, I wondered how many kids that are influenced by a gold medal ever get to see a gold medal. What I thought was really neat was that I've already had a couple hundred kids touch my gold medal.
My one and only focus at the Olympic Games is to win a gold medal.
When you're expected to win and you have the press saying that you are going to win the Olympic gold medal, and you're the only sure thing in the Olympics, it can undermine your confidence.
My goal is one Olympic gold medal. Not many people in this world can say, 'I'm an Olympic gold medalist.'
A lot of guys get out of wrestling immediately after winning a gold medal. Every time another Olympics comes around, it's always a bunch of fresh faces. For me, to win an Olympic gold and have a chance to win another would be huge for our sport.
London was the hardest Olympic Games, and before it, I was really just hoping to win a medal, even if it was not the gold medal. At the same time, I have my next target. I am not settling for three golds in a row. I now want to try for a fourth.
If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal.
Every athlete wants to win an Olympic gold medal, and I'd be lying if I said that's not what I wanted.
My goal is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games, and I'll fight and continue going until I do that.
It has always been a dream to win either the Olympic gold medal or the World Cup.
I came back to Louisville after the Olympics with my shiny gold medal. Went into a luncheonette where black folks couldn't eat. Thought I'd put them on the spot. I sat down and asked for a meal. The Olympic champion wearing his gold medal. They said, "We don't serve niggers here." I said, "That's okay, I don't eat 'em." But they put me out in the street. So I went down to the river, the Ohio River, and threw my gold medal in it.
To win a gold medal at Olympic Games has long been my dream ever since I started my career as a table tennis player.
In the history of each sport, the heroes who win the Olympic gold medal are the ones we remember. Nobody remembers the World Champion 25 years ago, but everyone remembers who the Olympic Champions were, even 100 years ago.
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