A Quote by Seth Godin

It's entirely possible that there won't be a standing ovation at the end of your journey. That's okay. At least you lived. — © Seth Godin
It's entirely possible that there won't be a standing ovation at the end of your journey. That's okay. At least you lived.
Benjamin Netanyahu, understands that the standing ovation he got in Congress this year was not for his politics. That ovation was bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.
There was a match in Alaska that I had with Beth Phoenix at a house show where we had a standing ovation from Ric Flair, Triple H, John Cena, and Arn Anderson. I got to work with her so much that we knew each other's body language. Got a standing ovation from the entire locker room. It was amazing.
You have to go out there and give a piece of yourself -- your life, your soul. And you better give the audience everything you can -- physically, emotionally, musically. Then maybe they'll accept you and give you a standing ovation at the end.
I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.
The word `ecstasy` is beautiful; it simply means `standing out.` Out of what? Standing out of your ego, your personality, your mind; getting out of the whole structure in which you have lived - not only lived but with which you have become identified. Standing out of all this, just a pure witness, a watcher on the hills - and everything is left deep down in the valley.
When someone throws up while watching one of your movies, it's like a standing ovation.
I get a standing ovation just standing
One minute I'm standing at Ronnie Scott's getting a standing ovation and the next minute, I'm on a marble slab
As many have discovered, it is entirely possible (although not particularly desirable) to love two people with all your heart. It is entirely possible to long for two lives, to feel that one life can't come close to containing it all.
Every night, you fight for that standing ovation at the end of the night. And if you do something wrong, the domino effect is chaotic. And you must not allow yourself to make mistakes whatsoever. So in that case, theater, it's fascinating because of the discipline that you need.
It is a brave man who is the first to sit down during a standing ovation.
I don't expect to get a standing ovation from businessmen when I call for higher wages.
I've had all that you could ask for. The fat lady has sung, and there's a standing ovation.
The bow is so old, its horsehair is glue Sent to the factory, just like me and like you So how come they stayed your execution? The audience roars its standing ovation "Dust.
Not everything made you stronger. It was possible to survive, yet still be crippled for your trouble. Sometimes it was okay to run away, to skip the test, to chicken out. Or at least to get some help.
It was just - I mean, 6,000 people giving you a standing ovation is quite an experience.
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