A Quote by Seth Rollins

Breakfast, for me, is usually some sort of omelette with some meat and veggies and potatoes and some good coffee. Then I'll usually do that into a workout, and I'll follow my workout with a shake, which is mostly protein and a little carb.
I can't say that I follow a diet plan cause that would be a lie. I love eggs in the morning. I eat a lot of eggs. I love juice. I love sandwiches with protein and veggies. I love pasta with meat sauce. Anything that's a well-rounded meal, I'm really happy with. As long as there is good protein and veggies then I'm all good with some carbs.
After a workout, you definitely have to have a protein shake. I drink my six-pound whey protein all the time, too. I throw some fruit in there - strawberries, blueberries - with some peanut butter and banana, and it gives you all the recovery you need from a hard day of lifting and running.
I often eat a lot of food when I eat and I eat maybe three or four times a day. I eat a good breakfast I have a protein shake or something between breakfast and my workout. After working out I have a shake and then eat lunch.
I always bring a post-workout protein shake with me and some cereal for the mornings.
I need to put the right things in my body before and after I work out, so I end every workout with some sort of protein shake to help me get the most out of my training.
I like a good protein and fat breakfast, so avocado, bacon, eggs, and some veggies.
I train in the mornings, and I'll eat two breakfasts. I'll have waffles with flax seed and almond butter and one egg scrambled. Then I'll work out and have a second breakfast - another egg or a protein shake. Within a half-hour to 40 minutes after a workout, that's when you want to load up on protein.
If I have my breakfast after my workout, I'll do a shaker with whey protein, chia, greens powder, and maca. When I get out, I'll put ice in the shaker with coconut water, shake it, and have it for breakfast.
I do breakfast first, which is a small bowl of oatmeal and some sort of protein, like hard-boiled eggs. And then I work out - 40 minutes of cardio and maybe some strength training.
My breakfast is usually some oatmeal and berries and some agave, or a protein shake.
After a training camp workout, my body is eager to replace nutrients and energy that are lost during the workout. It's best to have a quick bite about 30 minutes after practice. I like to have yogurt and granola, the combination of carbs and protein helps me recover after a long and tiring workout.
After a tough workout, I try to eat lots of proteins and try to have some carbohydrates. Pasta is always good with protein, and I enjoy Bolognese with chicken.
I used to be vegan. I'm not anymore, but I don't eat hardly any meat. But it's nice for me to go to a place like Chipotle where I can get some fresh veggies, some brown rice, some black beans, and all that kind of stuff.
I think it's impossible to maintain a good, strong, muscular physique without taking some supplements. Between the protein shakes and the multivitamins that I take, I use C4, the pre-workout mix. I try to keep it as basic as I can, but I think I would shrink and disappear if I stopped taking protein shakes.
Some weeks, I'm super-duper busy, so I can only fit cardio in here and there, a lot of stuff happens in the afternoon, so I can get up and have a workout, which makes me feel awesome for the rest of my day. There's just something sexy about feeling strong. And every night I'm onstage, I get another workout.
I love the convenience of a protein shake, and not just for after a workout.
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