A Quote by Shaquille O'Neal

I don't get nervous in any situation. There's no such thing as nerves when you're playing games. — © Shaquille O'Neal
I don't get nervous in any situation. There's no such thing as nerves when you're playing games.
I am extremely nervous before anything. People who say they aren't nervous are telling a white lie. Nerves get you going, as you are playing for so much at the highest level.
You have to control the nerves. I used to get so nervous that I couldn't eat, which wasn't really productive. Having goals and a plan is a good way of lessening the nerves.
Ironically, I must admit that I have an easier time (myself) playing games that are really simple and non-realistic - like the games I grew up with in the 80's - I tend to get lost and confused when the games get too complex! But I enjoy watching people who are good at playing games. I really enjoy playing games like Guitar Hero, where you feel like you're a great musician even if you're not.
If you are not playing a player, any player, for two, three, four games, then you don't have to give a reason for that. But if it gets to eight or nine games, then you have to explain the situation. What's going on?
I get nervous watching teammates. I get nervous for them. Late in the game, pressure situation, I'm nervous for them.
... You get surreal numbers by playing games. I used to feel guilty in Cambridge that I spent all day playing games, while I was supposed to be doing mathematics. Then, when I discovered surreal numbers, I realized that playing games IS math.
The most nervous I've ever been was on a 250 pound music video which is the first thing I ever did. And I stepped on there with a directing partner, so I could blame him when everything went tits up. But since then my nerves have incrementally decreased so I'm not plagued by the same sense of nerves as I used to be.
I've had to ban my mum from coming to see me play. She gets so nervous before any show. I've always got a few nerves but she's so much worse than me. You'd think she'd be able to handle that kind of situation. After all, she is a concert pianist.
Every time I compete, I still get nervous. There are the nerves that are because 'oh this is really going to hurt,' then there's the, 'I have to go fast and I don't know how fast everyone else is going to go,' nerves.
No matter where you're at, there are always guys you don't get along with. If it's any kind of job or any kind of situation in life, there's always going to be someone that gets on your nerves, and it definitely is the case with some of the fighters.
A physician who treated me as a nervous case for a while said in the end "No! It is not a matter of your nerves; it is I who am nervous".
The more nervous I am, and the more insane a situation is, the more I love it and get addicted to it. That's why I love playing on stage. And I kind of freak out if I don't get to do it, because it's a big part of my sanity, I think.
I get nervous playing the Opry still. You take that nervous energy and channel it into being amped.
I am still nervous every show. Not in the "Wow, I'm scared, I can't go on nervous," but the "I really want to do a good job and the give the audience a great show" kind of nervous. Oh, yes, the nerves are there, but I let them push me instead of holding me back.
Before games, people ask whether I get nervous. To be honest, I don't get nervous, I just enjoy it. I am living the dream. When I was a kid I always wanted to play for my country and now I am here, I will enjoy it.
It doesn't sound that cool to say it, but I still get nervous for any show. But it's different degrees - playing a small basement of a club versus playing a festival like Firefly or Bonnaroo. The feeling is, 'Crap, I'm about to be blasted in the face,' and once you get started, then it's like, 'OK, I've done this before. I know what I'm doing.'
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