A Quote by Sharon Van Etten

Hopefully, the stuff that is way too personal that I record and keep - people won't hear it because it's way too personal. — © Sharon Van Etten
Hopefully, the stuff that is way too personal that I record and keep - people won't hear it because it's way too personal.
There's always going to be silly stuff out there in the media that you can't worry too much about, and I don't. We just keep on trucking, and I like the way my... I think there should be 'professional is professional, and personal is personal,' and that's just how I'm going to keep it.
It's hard for me to write about anything personal because I get way too personal.
As a writer, penning down personal stuff was not easy for me, as it was way too close to my heart.
America is way too quick to trade freedom for the illusion of security. Whether it's allowing the NSA to go way too far in what it intercepts of our personal data, to our government monitoring of everything domestically and spending way more than we should.
It's important to keep indie record stores alive because their unique environments introduce music lovers to things in a very personal way.
I'm private in the sense that I like my personal space and only want people in the parts of my business that I choose to share. Anything I feel is too personal to share publicly, I keep to myself.
How we approached this was I wanted this to be personal in a way. It's not a big, epic Hollywood score but really personal and intimate, and we thought guitar would be the perfect instrument for him because he's young and he has an undying spirit and all that stuff and we went on that feeling totally.
I had been really obsessed with Jonestown for a long time - many years - and had read everything there was to read about it, seen all the footage and the documentaries. I found it really chilling in a personal way - the question of people submitting all their personal power and agency and independent thought it the name of a group or ideology. I could not find a way to write about it directly that didn't feel too heavy.
I really like to think of each record as its own thing. So, for sure, but I hate the idea of being stuck in anything. Like I want to do a Hawkwind-style record too, or a noise rock record or a hardcore record. Why not, you know? I would just not want to keep heading too far in one direction, without pulling off and going the other way.
I really like to think of each record as its own thing. So, for sure, but I hate the idea of being stuck in anything. Like I want to do a Hawkwind-style record too, or a noise rock record or a hardcore record. Why not, you know? I would just not want to keep heading too far in one direction, without pulling off and going the other way. That is what is fun for me.
I was always told that I was too strange or that I was too cheesy by different groups of people, like the record companies said I was way too weird and the indie people wouldn't even let me in their band.
Trauma survivors have a deficiency in their capacity to regulate emotions - they're too prolonged and too intense and too negative. As a corollary to affect regulation, self-esteem, sense of self and inter-personal functioning all goes downhill. And that's a chronic thing that's solved in an-inter personal context.
I'm too nice, way too nice. Personal relationships I am very much like that, but not professionally.
My music is a personal thing, and I feel like if I talk too much about the songs, or if there's too much of my personal life out there, it ruins it.
People are doing too much e-mail. The basic thing is eyeball-to-eyeball. Business relationships are made to be personal. The more people get away from it, the more they are going to lose that personal relationship. That's what I learned - to develop personal relationships with people.
Sometimes all we need is only listening to an inner voice and remaining human in a very personal way. But even if it is a personal way, it's still a very valid way - maybe the most valid way. It doesn't have to be a collective experience or someone telling you what to do. The most sacred human experience can be a very personal one.
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