A Quote by Shawn Crahan

We help kids and fans of all ages find their social scenes. Find their place. Find their demeanor. — © Shawn Crahan
We help kids and fans of all ages find their social scenes. Find their place. Find their demeanor.
If it's not in New York, let's say it's in St. Louis, then they've got to find a place or get with someone who knows about the work... they've got to find a place like that and do scenes, and then try to get in plays.
The secret of success is to find a need and fill it, to find a hurt and heal it, to find somebody with a problem and offer to help solve it.
Try to find fellowship... And try to find sisterhood... And try to find that village that can help you support your journey and your kids and your experiences. Never lose a sense of yourself throughout the process, and still pursue your dreams as a mom.
Part of my job is to help other kids find books, because not everyone has a keenly organized mind. Some kids could wander the library for hours and still have no idea how to find anything. For them, the Dewey Decimal System might as well be advanced calculus.
My fans love everything. You can find my fans at a Drake show; you'll find my fans at Post Malone all the way to Pink. They just love music in general.
Our need to identify with representative figures is something that never goes away. We still find those in novels. We find those in television. We find them in movies. We find them all over the place.
Find time for thought, this is the source of strength. Find time for the game, this is the secret of eternal youth. Find time for reading, this is the Foundation of knowledge. Find time to be friendly, this is the road to happiness. Find time for dreams, they will pull your vehicle as the stars. Find time to love and be loved in return, this is the privilege of the gods. Find time to look around you, it's too short a day to be selfish. Find time to laugh this is the music of the soul.
You have to find ways to find that center, to find that balance, to find sanity, because again, we are getting bigger, and people look at us that way. We have to find that new balance.
There are huge pain points experienced by parents. It's hard to find good child care options in one place. It's hard figure out things to do with your kids on the weekends or after school. It's hard to find iPad apps for your kids that you are confident are helping them learn vs. just being entertained.
He who cannot find time to consult his Bible will one day find he has time to be sick; he who has no time to pray must find time to die; he who can find no time to reflect is most likely to find time to sin; he who cannot find time for repentance will find an eternity in which repentance will be of no avail; he who cannot find time to work for others may find an eternity in which to suffer for himself.
I want to help kids when I'm no longer here, when I'm dead and gone. I want to help kids when I don't have the energy and the time to help them but somehow still find a way to make a difference.
When we help ourselves, we find moments of happiness. When we help others, we find lasting fulfillment.
I'm going to go back to the Bay Area, this is my thing, and I'm just going to open my own school of baseball. Find a facility, find a place and just teach kids. That's what I want to do.
?"Matter flows from place to place, and momentarily comes together to be you. Some people find that thought disturbing; I find the reality thrilling.
I think it's what we've always tried to do, is just find a unique way in, and find a unique way to be true to what the character is from the comics and what fans are aware of and expecting. And at the same time do it in a way that mainstream audiences and as wide an audience as possible can find their own way into it.
My writing, such as it is, grows out of my sense of discolation, I mean, dislocation. Having lost my place, I write to find my place, or to find once again that I have lost my place.
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