Federal election laws bar candidates from the 'personal use' of campaign donations - a ban meant to stop candidates from buying things unrelated to their runs for office. If a purchase is a result of campaign activity, the government allows it.
If I take donations from Big Corporates to fund our election campaign, I'll be accountable to them and would have to do what they tell me to do after winning elections. But if I take donations from common people to fund our Election Campaign, after winning, I'll be accountable to them
Why would the Obama campaign officials oppose any effort to ensure the legitimacy of a campaign contribution? It's the same reason they oppose voter ID laws. The Obama campaign evidently believes that election fraud and campaign finance fraud are permissible tools for the purpose of retaining power.
No doubt the political left will say that foreign donations to the Obama campaign are a 'phantom' problem. However, there is physical evidence.
Food banks have told us of the increasing donations of, and demand for, tampons and pads which are gratefully received by women struggling to afford them.
Most of the men and women who vote in Congress each year to continue subsidies have taken campaign donations from big energy companies.
A fair question could be posed in this fashion: If people are not obeying existing laws, what makes us think they would obey any new laws?
Government unions should not be allowed to influence the public officials they are lobbying, and sitting across the bargaining table from, through campaign donations and expenditures.
Such pushy people, the school union chiefs.It's almost not worth the campaign donations. Almost.
We've investigated the gun lobby and its political donations and how it spread the Stand Your Ground laws from Florida.
Public employee unions are hardly the only group involved in bare-knuckles politics. Businesses lobby fiercely, and executives make hefty campaign donations.
All Politicians should be required to wear uniforms like Racing Car Drivers with patches showing the donations received from special interest groups so we know who has paid them off!
The American people likewise want to see enforcement first, no tricks, no triggers, no amnesty, enforcing existing laws and closing loopholes to reaffirm that our great Republic is, in fact, a nation of laws.
As a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights, I believe tougher enforcement of our nation's existing gun laws must be done before any more laws are enacted and put on the books.
We already ban foreign donations to political candidates, and we should strengthen that ban with closer scrutiny of credit card donations.
And have you not received faculties which will enable you to bear all that happens to you? Have you not received greatness of spirit? Have you not received courage? Have you not received endurance?