A Quote by Sheldon Vanauken

Art is first a seeing and then a revealing — © Sheldon Vanauken
Art is first a seeing and then a revealing
A true work of art can stand many seeings, revealing anew at each seeing.
I start listening to something, or I'm seeing somebody a lot or seeing their art. And then I just really want to make a picture of them.
If we see an object as a bowl, it may inhibit seeing it as craft, just as seeing it as craft might inhibit seeing it as art. See first; name later.
The problem with a popular art form is that those who want something more are in a hopeless minority compared with the millions who are always seeing it for the first time, or for the reassurance and gratification of seeing the conventions fulfilled again.
When thou art quiet and silent, then art thou as God was before nature and creature; thou art that which God then wats; thou art that whereof he made thy nature and creature: Then thou hearest and seest even with that wherewith God himself saw and heard in thee, before every thine own willing or thine own seeing began.
I'm really about seeing people and art for what they are. Like, seeing people as humans and seeing art.
There is a conceptual depth as well as a purely visual depth. The first is discovered by science; the second is revealed in art. The first aids us in understanding the reasons of things; the second in seeing their forms. In science we try to trace phenomena back to their first causes, and to general laws and principles. In art we are absorbed in their immediate appearance, and we enjoy this appearance to the fullest extent in all its richness and variety. Here we are not concerned with the uniformity of laws but with the multiformity and diversity of intuitions.
Technology is therefore no mere means. Technology is a way of revealing. If we give heed to this, then another whole realm for the essence of technology will open itself up to us. It is the realm of revealing, i.e., of truth
I was looking at the work of the New York street artists and then discovering Basquiat and Haring after that and seeing how the contemporary art scene was, and then going back into Warhol and all that was happening in the 60s.
Dance is one of the most revealing art forms.
True realism consists in revealing the surprising things which habit keeps covered and prevents us from seeing.
Art begs you to notice it. Why? Because art is God's way of saying hello. So pay attention to poetry. Pay attention to music. Pay attention to paintings and sculptures and photo exhibits and ballets and plays. Don't let all this go unnoticed. Your world is shouting out to you, revealing something intrinsically glorious about itself. Listen carefully. Love art, the way art loves life.
Mentalism is the art of exploring and revealing hidden connections.
Art means: revealing God in everything that exists.
But what is art other than revealing human nature?
Marketing is the art of seeing (and then creating) what might be interesting to more than our friends
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