A Quote by Sheldon Whitehouse

I believe that the role of president of the United States is vastly different from the role of candidate and that the Donald Trump of the campaign will not succeed as president.
For anyone who doesn't believe that Donald Trump is the best candidate to go head to head with Hillary Clinton in November, and that's about 70 percent of Republicans nationwide who don't think Donald Trump is the right guy, our [President's] campaign is the only campaign that has beaten Donald Trump and that can beat Donald Trump.
Probably about 35 percent of Donald Trump`s supporters do not believe that President [Barack] Obama is Muslim or that he was not born in the United States.Those Trump supporters are not white supremacists. But if Trump did not have the support of Obama haters who believe that the President is a Muslim, who believe that he was not born in the United States, Donald Trump would lose two-thirds of his support.
I think that there's only one person that defines the role of vice president of the United States. And, you know, we come in to [Donald Trump's] administration with a servant's heart, really prepared to serve and to support the president's agenda and his objectives in every way that he believes is appropriate.
Here's the thing - if Donald Trump is elected president of the United States, in a kind of historical way, it's exciting because we will see the actual last president of the United States. It just won't work after that.
If I've got any small role in this matter, it's to say to Scots Americans: under no circumstances make Donald Trump President of the United States of America.
We know the president of the United States has no facts. No facts to back up his startling allegation that the former president of the United States, President Obama, wiretapped him in Trump Tower during the campaign.
Donald Trump always puts himself first. He built a business career, in the words of one of his own campaign staffers, "off the backs of the little guy." And as a candidate, he started his campaign with a speech where he called Mexicans rapists and criminals, and he has pursued the discredited and really outrageous lie that President Obama wasn't born in the United States. It is so painful to suggest that we go back to think about these days where an African-American could not be a citizen of the United States.
We want a different type of leadership. We want a different direction for this country. And that's why I truly do believe that Donald Trump will be the president of the United States.
Donald Trump may be running for president. He said he is sick and tired of the rest of the world laughing at the United States. Well, President Trump will certainly put an end to that.
Sixty one percent of Donald Trump`s supporters believe that President [Barack] Obama was not born in the United States.They believe Donald Trump`s lie about where President Obama was born, the lie he started telling four years ago and has since replaced with other hate-driven lies like the thousands of Muslims Donald Trump lies about having seen celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11.
The president and I had much more important stuff to talk about than Donald Trump. I've never discussed Mr. Trump with the president of the United States.
I hope Donald Trump doesn't become president of the United States and I expect the people of the United States will have the good sense not to elect him.
I confirm that and Donald Trump now confirms that President Barack Obama is a legitimately elected president of the United States].
[Donald Trump] will be the president of the United States.
If I'm vice president of the United States and Donald Trump is president, we're going to put the safety and security of the American people first.
We had the clip of [Donald] Trump saying: I'm not president of the globe. I'm president of the United States.[Ronald] Reagan would have never said that. [Dwight] Eisenhower would have never said that, because he would have said, yes, I'm president of the United States, but it's in our interests to be securing a world order.
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