A Quote by Shelley Moore Capito

No matter what your decisions are, no matter what your votes are, if you're not playing by the rules, you're taking a big risk. — © Shelley Moore Capito
No matter what your decisions are, no matter what your votes are, if you're not playing by the rules, you're taking a big risk.
No matter what your decisions are, no matter what your votes are, if youre not playing by the rules, youre taking a big risk.
I've been thinking a lot lately about taking chances, and how it's really just about overcoming your fears. Because the truth is, everytime you take a big risk in your life, no matter how it ends up, you're always glad you took it.
AS a matter of fact, God isn't asking you to be thankful. He's asking you to give thanks. There's a big difference. One response involves emotions, the other your choices, your decisions about a situation, your intent, your 'step of faith.
My entire life, I've had one mission to prove. It doesn't matter what your name is. It doesn't matter where you're from. It doesn't matter what the color of your skin is. All that matters is what's in your heart.
No matter how careful you are, the one risk no investor can ever eliminate is the risk of being wrong. Only by insisting on what Graham called the "margin of safety" - never overpaying, no matter how exciting an investment seems to be - can you minimize your odds of error.
The opposite of Taking A Risk is of course Playing It Safe. You must admit though, Playing It Safe is a pretty dull way to live. On a score of one to ten as a Risk Taker where do you stand? Add a little spice to your life today and take a risk.
Don't ever allow yourself to feel trapped by your choices. Take a look at yourself. You are a unique person created for a specific purpose. Your gifts matter. Your story matters. Your dreams matter. You matter.
Every great accomplishment starts with a first step. No matter how big your goals are. No matter how great your plans are. No matter how immense your dreams are. It all begins with a single step. Take that step today!
Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your name on it as director. Now you're a director. Everything after that you're just negotiating your budget and your fee.
When you rest on your laurels is right when you have the risk. It exists for every company, no matter how big.
I'm talking to a journalist and I really have nothing to say anymore, this is already uncomfortable. I feel the pain coming already. The brutal pain, when one day I should read your edit of whatever I say, because no matter what I say, no matter how I say it, no matter its tone, its frequency range, its decibel level or the way in which I put the words together, no matter my intentions and no matter the truth. What I'll read one day will be a chastised, manipulated abortion of your misunderstandings, your manipulations, your agenda and your amateur use of the English language.
Of course our feelings matter. But emotional decisions are usually not the best ones. On the other hand, your emotions can affect your decisions whether you like it or not because the effects can occur on the unconscious level.
No matter who you are, no matter what your color, creed, how you choose to pray or who you choose to love, that if you are an American - first generation or fifth - one who is willing to work hard, play by the rules and apply your God-given talents - that you should be able to find a job that pays the bills.
No matter where you are from, no matter what your background is, no matter what your socioeconomic status is, every person can achieve his or her dreams.
You can't know it all. No matter how smart you are, no matter how comprehensive your education, no matter how wide ranging your experience, there is simply no way to acquire all the wisdom you need to make your business thrive.
The only sure way to stop excessive risk taking on Wall Street so you don't risk losing your job, or your savings or your home, is to put an end to the excessive economic and political power of Wall Street by busting up the big banks.
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