A Quote by Shenaz Treasury

TV and appointment viewing is a thing of the past for the youth. — © Shenaz Treasury
TV and appointment viewing is a thing of the past for the youth.
They don't have a lot of appointment viewing. What television depends on, one thing 'Larry King Live' was - whether you liked it, didn't like it - it was appointment viewing.
TV is changing in terms of how we are consuming sports. Appointment viewing no longer exists, as between social media and the Internet, people already have the news and can get the highlights - so now people want the opinions.
Appointment viewing is dead, and I think it is going away.
The happiest youth, viewing his progress through, What perils past, what crosses to ensue, Would shut the book, and sit him down and die.
Traditional TV will have to innovate their TV delivery software in new ways beyond just offering their content in an app in order to change the viewing erosion of TV.
I give so much credit to the 'Up' team who created appointment viewing on the weekends for us and some of the smartest conversations on television.
What hasn't surprised me is that audiences, as we found starting with box sets, want control, to decide how they watch it. Appointment viewing is slowly being put slightly behind.
We're going to try to create some programs that are going to generate viewer interest and appointment viewing. We still will have news on Headline News.
It's a very performative thing, grief. As with so much in modern life, I think there's a whole performative layer to what we do because we feel like there's a private TV show viewing our lives.
I challenge youth to cooperate with parents who are concerned about your reading and your viewing. Be concerned yourself about what you take into your mind. Young people, you would never eat a meal of spoiled or contaminated food if you could help it, would you? Select your reading and viewing carefully and in good taste.
People can criticize Microsoft for supporting this TV thing for the past eight years, but it is a long-term bet, There is not any other software business that is as dedicated to the vision of the TV and the PDA [personal digital assistant] as we are.
The difference between television, films and the web is that unlike the former, the latter is not appointment viewing. You decide the time you want to watch and how much you want to watch. The web is for the viewer.
TV viewing is normally a passive, mindless occupation.
Inside each of us resides the truth, I began, the absolute truth. But sometimes the truth is hidden in a hall of mirrors. Sometimes we believe we are viewing the real thing, when in fact we are viewing a facsimile, a distortion.
Four experts had an appointment with an ordinary man. They needed him to ratify their findings, or anything they achieved would be meaningless. As they drove to meet him, they knocked down a man on the road. He was dying. If they tried to save him, they might miss their appointment. They decided that their appointment, which concerned all of us, was more important than the life of one man. They drove on to keep their appointment. They did not know that the man they were to meet was the man they had left to die.
YESTERDAY, n. The infancy of youth, the youth of manhood, the entire past of age.
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