A Quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Life is about coming to terms with the mistakes made. Learning to live with them even when they cut soul deep. — © Sherrilyn Kenyon
Life is about coming to terms with the mistakes made. Learning to live with them even when they cut soul deep.
What do you first do when you learn to swim? You make mistakes, do you not? And what happens? You make other mistakes, and when you have made all the mistakes you possibly can without drowning - and some of them many times over - what do you find? That you can swim? Well - life is just the same as learning to swim! Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!
Hey, I live life by the moment. I have no regrets. I live it to the fullest. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and I'm learning from them. I'm 'The Situation.'
I don't think I'd live anything over, even though I've made a lot of mistakes. I have learned how to see failure as a friend. So, I'm not one to live a life of regrets. I try to learn from my mistakes, but I'll take my life the way it is.
There is certainly a satisfaction and dignity to be gained in coming to terms with the mistakes one has made in the course of one’s life
My mistakes made were learning how to work with different groups of people. I mean, I went to school at Berkeley, which is a pretty diverse group, but working in a professional setting, I hadn't really done that before and learning about office politics, learning about interactions between different people and I made a lot of mistakes there during my time as a young person. I was 19 or 20 at the time. So, I would say those were my biggest career mistakes, but fortunately they were made in the context of an engineering co-op program and not in a professional field.
Stalin made mistakes. He made mistakes towards us, for example, in 1927. He made mistakes towards the Yugoslavs too. One cannot advance without mistakes... It is necessary to make mistakes. The party cannot be educated without learning from mistakes. This has great significance.
I have made many decisions that I probably shouldn't have made, but life is about making mistakes, learning and moving on.
Life is all about evolution. What looks like a mistake to others has been a milestone in my life. Even if people have betrayed me, even if my heart was broken, even if people misunderstood or judged me, I have learned from these incidents. We are human and we make mistakes, but learning from them is what makes the difference.
Everybody has their own rules, and so do I. I have always lived on my own terms. As far as mistakes are concerned, I've made them and acknowledged them as mistakes, not regrets. I consider my life a success. There's nothing that I would re-do. I've always done what I felt was right.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.
So you have the challenge of just learning the lines, period, and not only learning them, but learning them to the extent that you assimilate them, so that you're not worried about what the next word is coming out of your mouth when it comes to doing a scene. And you're also in the trenches with the writers, just in the wonderful kind of back and forth of how is it best to say something, even if it involves four or five words. I love that kind of thing.
Life is just the same as learning to swim. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!
Life isn't about algebra and geometry. Learning by making mistakes and not duplicating them is what life is about.
There are three motives for which we live; we live for the body, we live for the mind, we live for the soul. No one of these is better or holier than the other; all are alike desirable, and no one of the three—body, mind, or soul—can live fully if either of the others is cut short of full life and expression.
Of course I made many boo-boos. At first this broke my heart, but then I came to understand that learning how to fix one's mistakes, or live with them, was an important part of becoming a cook.
In terms of my own life and the mistakes I made and the struggles I had, I'm grateful for them. It taught me more than success and opportunity ever did.
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