A Quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon

That which doesn’t kill us just requires a few centuries of therapy. (Caleb) Yeah, and usually a lot of Tylenol. (Nick) — © Sherrilyn Kenyon
That which doesn’t kill us just requires a few centuries of therapy. (Caleb) Yeah, and usually a lot of Tylenol. (Nick)
Fine. You win. I quit. You two deal with this. I’m going home. Packing up all my personal items, and when you, Caleb, end up dead because the coach has your jockstrap or something else I didn’t steal but someone else did, don’t call me. I’m done and I’m going to hide in a bunker until all of this is over with.” – Nick “I hate you, Nick.” – Caleb “Feels mutual, Demon.” – Nick
I’m so overwhelmed.” – Nick “Most of us are, Nick. Even though we look calm and peaceful on the outside, most of us are barely hanging on by our fingernails.” – Caleb
We’ve got to get these guys to Bubba’s. Anyone got a clue how to do it? (Nick) They gotta be breathing? (Simi) Yes. (Nick and Caleb) Well, pooh. That just takes all the fun out of it. (Simi)
The best therapy for emotional blocks to math is the realization that the human race took centuries or millennia to see through the mist of difficulties and paradoxes which instructors now invite us to solve in a few minutes.
How old are you?” – Nick “That many zeros and you just get tired of counting.” – Caleb
One of you guys is going to have to feed the vampiric lawyer some blood and it can’t be me. (Caleb) Why? You afraid of a little bite? I’m anemic. (Nick) And I’m Catholic. Doesn’t that knock me out of the running? (Nick)
I just can’t, Nick, okay? Now, please give me a second to lie here in silence and bleed.” – Caleb
Where are the cops when you need them? (Nick) Probably eating beignets. As the old saying goes, when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. (Caleb)
It requires twenty years for a man to rise from the vegetable state in which he is within his mother's womb, and from the pure animal state which is the lot of his early childhood, to the state when the maturity of reason begins to appear. It has required thirty centuries to learn a little about his structure. It would need eternity to learn something about his soul. It takes an instant to kill him.
Did you ever meet someone named Caleb?" I say. 'Caleb," Fernando says. "Yes, there was a Caleb in my initiate class. Brilliant, but he was... what's the colloquial term for it? A suck-up." he smirks.
I’ve been around a lot of wraiths, and he doesn’t feel like that either, though. It’s a strange sensation. Like human wrapped in evil.” – Caleb “Oh, great. Our coach is a pig-in-the-blanket for Satan.” – Nick
Hey!" Caleb snapped as he realized Nick was about to lock him on the outside with their attackers. He pushed the door open and glared at him. "No man left behind." Nick scoffed. "This aint' the army, boy. It's every man for himself. Fall behind. Get eaten
The Vietnamese have a secret weapon. It's their willingness to die beyond our willingness to kill. In effect, they've been saying, You can kill us, but you'll have to kill a lot of us; you may have to kill all of us. And, thank heaven, we are not yet ready to do that.
Nick! Wait!” – Kyrian ‘Wait, my gluteus maximus. Vampire was shy of a few quarts of blood if he thought Nick had any intention of not going Casper on him.’ – Nick
Nick is driving us," Jamie informed him. "Nick has a car. Nick has TWO cars. Ha!
There's always something that's going to kill us all. A few years ago, tomatoes were going to kill us and a few years before that it was spinach. The FDA is run by a 7-year-old kid that hates vegetables!
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