A Quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Yeah, well, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, then we’d never go hungry. (Syn) — © Sherrilyn Kenyon
Yeah, well, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, then we’d never go hungry. (Syn)
If it's third-and-one, then I'm going in, no ifs or buts about.
I'm handsome, no ands, buts or ifs.
And trust dies from ifs and buts
What are the "ifs" and "buts" that limit my enjoyment of life?
Act swiftly and vigorously, without 'buts' and 'ifs'.
It is triple ultra forbidden to respond to criticism with violence. There are a very few injunctions in the human art of rationality that have no ifs, ands, buts, or escape clauses. This is one of them. Bad argument gets counterargument. Does not get bullet. Never. Never ever never for ever.
The ifs and buts of history...form an insubstantial if intoxicating diet.
No ifs, no buts - we will not share the pound if Scotland separates from the U.K.
I think GST is a great outcome. There is no ifs and buts about that. It is a transformational event for India.
Life's short. Anything could happen, and it usually does, so there is no point in sitting around thinking about all the ifs, ands and buts.
I think that public service is tough on a family - no ifs, ands, buts about it. I have my own personal wishes, but they're not always front and center.
You want to live, right? (Syn) Absolutely. (Kiara) Then we’re where you are, bathroom breaks being the only exception – unless you’re in public, and then we get to risk additional arrest records. (Syn)
I want blood! Two of Aksel’s dogs cornered me near Tondara. They shot me. Those bastards actually shot a hole in my stabilizer the size of Mirala…Aren’t you going to say something? (Syn) Were you hurt? (Nykyrian) No. (Syn) Then why are you having a fit? (Nykyrian) I don’t know, it just felt right. You see why I don’t like being sober? I overreact like an old woman. (He opened his flask, then slammed it down on Nykyrian’s desk.) Figures the damned thing would be empty. (Syn)
The vampire bible, bound in human skin, written in blood, and full of prophecies that were never wrong. Trouble was, if you read the thing too long, it drove you nuts. Not "I'm having a bad day and feel bitchy" nuts or PMS nuts. "I think I'll commit felony assault on my friends and rape my boyfriend" nuts.
You have some severe mental problem I need to be aware of, don’t you? (Shahara) Just because I eat babies for breakfast and pick my teeth with their bones doesn’t mean I’m nuts. (Syn) Any other weird habits I should be aware of? (Shahara) Just my need to dance naked in the streets under the light of a full moon. (Syn)
Did you see a doctor? (Syn) Yeah. It’ll heal. (Cruel) Did your mom say anything? (Syn) Clean the blood out of the carpet before it sets. What could she say? Better me than her. (Cruel)
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