A Quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Yeah. And Savitar predates him. He has presided over this council since the very beginning, and notice, Savitar looks about thirty. We don’t know what he is, but he ain’t one of us and he ain’t human. And trust me, you don’t want to mess with him. (Paris) Thank you for that highly unamusing summation. Next time I have insomnia, I know who to call. In the meantime, little lioness who would probably like to live another year, don’t interrupt me again. I don’t like it and I tend to kill the things I don’t like. (Savitar)
What happened to him? (Lioness) He pissed me off. (Savitar) Why hasn’t one of the other jaguars taken his place? (Lioness) He pissed me off...big time. (Savitar)
Hey, aren’t we forgetting something? (Savitar) Your dignity? (Takeshi) No, you have me confused with you again. Aren’t you supposed to be training him? (Savitar) So you admit my superiority by deflecting my attention to the neophyte. (Takeshi)
Your mother was a goatherder. (Savitar) It’s an honorable profession. (Takeshi) Yeah, for a goat. (Savitar)
Humans aren’t a protected class. (Acheron) Really? (Jaden) Yeah. Savitar shares your ‘all humans are vermin’ mind set. (Savitar)
You’re the one who unleashed him. (Savitar) Yeah, well, let’s move on from the blame game. I was having suicidal thoughts and it seemed like a good idea at the time. In retrospect, not so much. (Stryker)
If you knew this, why did you wait to bring it before the Omegrion? (Savitar) Because I was afraid to come forward...(Zack) And now you're all better? (Savitar)
Interesting, isn’t it? What do you have to say about that, Fury? (Savitar) They’re on crack. (Fury) Anyone else on crack? (Savitar)
It actually dawned on me that I don’t fight. I just kill whatever annoys me, and it’s over. (Savitar)
You look so out of your element. (Savitar) I am out of my element. Much like you in a Seattle Goth club. (Acheron) I’m never out of my element, Atlantean. And it must be dire indeed to get you in shorties, and on a board. One day I’m actually going to get you to say ‘Rad four-mill steamer, dude! (Savitar)
I’m going to be exposed, aren’t I? (Acheron) I don’t know. You planning on dropping your pants around me? If so, warn me first. I don’t want to go blind. (Savitar)
Enough, children. In case you haven’t noticed, we have a major situation playing out. We have to find and stop War, corral the gallu, protect Apostolos, and get Savitar out of here. (Apollymi) Why the later? (Jared) Because I hate his guts. (Apollymi) I hate you, too, precious. (Savitar)
Little brother, I don’t mean to be a downer, but we’re talking about War here. There’s no way to mitigate damages. He won’t let us. I was there with twenty-five Chthonians to fight him and he spanked our hides like we were Lemurian slave women. Two of us had our hearts ripped out and shoved down our throats while he laughed, then he licked the blood clean from his fingers and came at the rest of us. (Savitar)
Let me guess. The big one is due in on the north shore? (Dante) Yes. So let’s make this quick. I have a board, a wave, and a babe with my name on them and I would like to take advantage of all three. (Savitar)
Because I cursed him to it. (Acheron) Be glad I’m not physically there or I’d slap you upside the head. You know how free will works, so stop the whining and get off the cross. Someone needs the wood. (Savitar)
I'm fine," I told him tersely. "Of course you are. You're one of the strongest people I know." It took me a second to process that, because he'd said it so casually. Like he was talking about the weather or what time it was. Only Pritkin didn't say things like that. His idea of a compliment was a nod and to tell me to do whatever it was I'd just done over again. Like that was usually possible. But that had sounded suspiciously like a compliment to me.
Then what good is he? (Maggie) I ask myself every friggin’ day exactly what you did. What good am I? The answer is simple. There’s nothing good about me and I like it that way. Pride myself on it, in fact. (Savitar)
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