A Quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon

So how many women have you visited in their dreams? (Geary) Is this one of those questions that if I don’t answer it correctly, you get angry at me? (Arik) — © Sherrilyn Kenyon
So how many women have you visited in their dreams? (Geary) Is this one of those questions that if I don’t answer it correctly, you get angry at me? (Arik)
Thank you, Geary. (Arik) For what? (Geary) For giving me a life that is the best dream I’ve ever had. (Arik)
I fell out of the hammock while I was sleeping. (Arik) On your head? (Geary) Apparently. Good thing it’s hard, huh? (Arik)
Yes, but I’ve already made my fortune in other things. (Solin) Such as? (Geary) Viagra. My brother learned to take a personal problem and profit by it. (Arik) It’s true. It pained me to see a man as young as Arik stricken with impotency. Therefore I had to do something to help the poor soul. But alas, there’s nothing to be done for it. He’s as flaccid as a wet noodle. (Solin) How creative of you to project your problem onto me. But then, they say celibacy is enough to make a man lose all reason. Guess you’re living proof, huh? (Arik)
Okay, I’m dreaming. Hallucinating. Brought on by stress. I had a hard day today and this is my mind trying to protect itself from…from stuff. Lots of stuff. (Geary) (Arik, Trieg, and ZT stare at Geary.) Oh, like I’m any less sane than the three of you just because I talk to myself. (Geary)
Okay, I don’t like it when you walk away from me, but other than that...(Arik) Yeah, I guess that makes sense. You transcend a dimension to come here and I brush you off. I can see where that might get annoying. (Geary)
No. Real love takes time to build. What you feel is just infatuation. (Geary) But it doesn’t feel temporary. (Arik) It never does at its onset. It’s only in hindsight that we realize the difference between infatuation and love. (Geary)
Yeah, and Mr. Cuddles is a jealous sort. He doesn’t share us well. (Geary) Does this mean I’ll have to fight him? (Arik) You’d never win. Mr. Cuddles cheats. You think he’s just a pushover teddy bear, but he’s vicious, I tell you. Vicious. (Geary)
My rule in making up examination questions is to ask questions which I can't myself answer. It astounds me to see how some of my students answer questions which would play the deuce with me.
Like this cake. It’s really very good. (Arik) As the girth to my hips will attest. (Geary)
Don’t you have a girlfriend or family you’d rather be with? (Geary) Only Solin, and honestly, he’s not this soft. Even if he was, it’d be gross. (Arik)
But you helped me and Arik. Why would you do that if you really feel that way? (Geary) What can I say? It’s so much more enjoyable to snatch victory from the hands of the gullible. You guys make the most delightful sound of agony when you’re betrayed. (Solin)
I wanted to answer big questions about humanity, about how it is that we understand about the world, how we can know as much as we do, why human nature is the way that it is. And it always seemed to me that you find answers to those questions by looking at children.
I like thinking and being able to answer questions that are tough to answer. You have to try to figure out how to get a good answer and look intelligent.
I think if you're forthright and answer a lot of questions, sometimes you'll get people who won't let you answer the questions, and that makes for a difficult answer.
I would argue that religion comes from a desire to get to the questions of, 'Where do we come from?' and 'How shall we live?' And I would say I don't need religion to answer those questions.
You were overwhelmed by my desire? What planet are you from? (Geary to Arik) Moronia. Every full moon they teleport the Morons to earth and let them loose. Consider this your first encounter. (Solin)
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