A Quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon

One single word and I swear I’ll rip your tongue out. (Zephyra) — © Sherrilyn Kenyon
One single word and I swear I’ll rip your tongue out. (Zephyra)
Swear it on your life. (Zephyra) That I can never do. (Stryker) Why can’t you? (Zephyra) Because you are my life, and I can’t live another day without you. (Stryker)
Youever insult Bride again, I swear I'll rip your throat out and feed you to the gators in the swamp. You understand me?" - Vane
My mother's great. She has the major looks. She could stop you from doing anything, through a closed door even, with a single look. Without saying a word, she has that power to rip out your tonsils.
Your father abandoned us. (Zephyra) I know. You’ve told me that enough that it’s permanently seared into my brain. Still, he’s a part of me and I’d like to have closure. (Medea) You really need to stop watching Oprah. (Zephyra)
If you fail me, I'll kill you. I swear it, Keenan. If you fail me, I'll rip your heart out with my own hands." "If I fail you, I'll cut it out for you.
I’ll abide by my word, but you will never win me back! Believe me, in two weeks I will slice open your throat, drink from your blood, and then pierce your heart and laugh while your body explodes into dust. (Zephyra) Beautiful imagery. You should write for Hallmark. (Stryker)
sasha growled low in his throat. "Send the wolf to watch them," he mocked in falsetto. His nostrils flared. "I swear Z, if I live, I'm going to rip that damned goatee off your face and stick your shaving cream in the fridge.
You bit me? (Stryker) We use what we have. (Zephyra) That’s such a girl move. (Stryker) But it works. Maybe if you fought like a girl and not a stunted baboon, you’d actually win. (Zephyra)
You forget what it was like. You'd swear on your life you never will, but year by year it falls away. How your temperature ran off the mercury, your heart galloped flat-out and never needed to rest, everything was pitched on the edge of shattering glass. How wanting something was like dying of thirst. How your skin was too fine to keep out any of the million things flooding by; every color boiled bright enough to scald you, any second of any day could send you soaring or rip you to bloody shreds.
So I conjured one of the brokers and promised him my soul if he’d protect her. (Zephyra) You can’t do that. Only a demon can. (Stryker) You’re such a brainiac, baby. And to think, I thought I married you for those amazing abs. Who knew all that brainpower was buried under those bulging biceps? (Zephyra)
A footman may swear; but he cannot swear like a lord. He can swear as often: but can he swear with equal delicacy, propriety, and judgment?
I’m giving you that chance now. (Stryker) It’s too late. Too many centuries have passed. There was a time when I lived only to hear a kind word from your lips. But that ship sank under an assault of bitterness that no amount of charm or guile will recover. (Zephyra)
With school turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word 'intellectual,' of course, became the swear word it deserved to be.
The word itself creates an empty sensation. Try saying it now. "Why?" Notice how your tongue touches nothing when you form the word with your mouth. Feel the gap, the space inside your mouth, that it creates. The air. It is a place that needs filling. It is missing an answer.
How do I know you'll keep your word?" asked Coraline. "I swear it," said the other mother. "I swear it on my own mother's grave." "Does she have a grave?" asked Coraline. "Oh yes," said the other mother. "I put her in there myself. And when I found her trying to crawl out, I put her back.
'Cause I'll rip the mic, rip the stage, rip the system I was born to rage against 'em
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