A Quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon

You mean Teletubbies? (Berith) The fact that you know what they’re called, Berith, truly scares me. (Jericho) As a demon of torture, it behooves me to know all things that are deeply annoying. You’d be amazed how many people in the modern age no longer fear zombies as much as Teletubbies. (Berith) Not really. I’d rather battle a brain-eating zombie any day than hear them sing. (Jericho)
The man doesn’t want me messing with it and, no offense, I wouldn’t anger him. I’ve seen what he can do and it’s the stuff horror movies are made of. Body part flailing, blood. Lots of blood and torture. (Berith)
How many demons and people are enslaved here? (Jericho) Define slavery. (Asmodeus) Kept against their will. (Jericho) Good definition. Counting me? (Asmodeus) Why not? (Jericho) Probably a couple of million…you know it’s really hard to count to a million, plus they’re always dying and new ones are coming in. I tried to count once, but it got really depressing so I stopped. The constant adding and subtracting. Not my forte, really. (Asmodeus)
You'd be surprised how many people in the modern age no longer fear zombies as much as teletubies.
Are you always this random? (Jericho) Mostly. It really irritates Noir. Which is just an added bonus for me. At least so long as I can outrun him. (Asmodeus) Add me to that list of people you annoy. (Jericho) Oh. You’re not going to singe my testicles over it, are you?! (Asmodeus) No plans to. (Jericho) Good. We can be friends, then. (Asmodeus)
So would you like to join me for something to eat? (Jericho) As long as it doesn’t involve the entrails of demons, I might be persuaded. (Delphine) Demon entrails have no appeal for me, either. Zeus’s are another matter. (Jericho)
Why would you do that? (Delphine) Why do you think? (Jericho) Because I’m a bossy hag and you’d rather be enslaved to a man you hate than deal with me. (Delphine) You know…you’re not funny. (Jericho) I think I’m hysterical. (Delphine)
There’s too much to be done. I need to know– (Jericho) No. (Delphine) No, you d’in. (Jericho) Yes, I di’id. Don’t make me use my Jeri ninja mind tricks on you. I might screw up and fry your brains. (Delphine)
Technical advisor. Since you know our enemies so well, we’re going to pick your brain. (Jericho) I’ll tell you what you want to know. There's no need to torture me for it. (Asmodeus) Pick your brain is an idiomatic expression, Asmodeus. It means we’ll have you tell us things. We’re not actually going in there to mess with your head. (Delphine) Oh, thank the Source. I can’t stand it when someone opens my skull. It really hurts. (Asmodeus)
He pulls me around and kisses me. "You're Mac," he says. "And I'm Jericho. And nothing else matters. Never will. You exist in a place that is beyond all rules for me. Do you understand that?" I do. Jericho Barrons just told me he loves me.
Asmodeus! You don’t see her, do you hear me? (Jericho) Completely blind, Minor Master. Hearing is intact. Is there anyone here besides the two of us? No? Good. I’m leaving now unless Minor Master has another preferably nonpainful task for me. (Asmodeus) You're dismissed. (Jericho) Cool beaners. (Asmodeus)
Any time you need an expert parental hand- (Zarek) I’ll find Jericho. (Astrid) Um, could you at least wait until that thing’s housebroken? (Jericho)
Everything scares me. I'm very easily frightened. But the thing that scares me most is zombies. I really, really don't like zombies.
How long have you been here? (Jericho) Don’t know. Again, tried to count once, got depressed so I stopped. I find it easier to just go with the flow. Ease with the peas. (Asmodeus) Ease with the peas? (Jericho) Yeah, that’s not a happy memory, either. Let’s forget I mentioned it. (Asmodeus)
Jericho is generally considered a main event guy, as he should be. He's a future Hall of Famer, I believe. So any rub, for lack of a better term, that AJ Styles can get from Chris Jericho is positive.
May the gods have mercy on whoever pisses them off, because Zarek and Jericho will have none for them. (Madoc) You’d better be glad I’m flattered by that. Otherwise I’d gut you. (Zarek) Ditto. (Jericho)
I want to hate you, but I can’t even stay mad at you. (Jericho) You know, I think you’re more in need of lessons on how to seduce than I am. Why don’t you call me fat and ugly while you’re at it? (Delphine)
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