A Quote by Shervin Pishevar

The hyperloop will be a digital network. That's why we say we look at transportation as a new form of broadband. — © Shervin Pishevar
The hyperloop will be a digital network. That's why we say we look at transportation as a new form of broadband.
Europe embraces new ideas in transportation like no other region in the world and is uniquely positioned to take the next great leap in transportation with Hyperloop One.
Dubai makes perfect sense for Hyperloop One because this is the 21st century's global transport hub, and its leaders understand that Hyperloop One is ushering in the next era of transportation.
For the first time in over 100 years, a new mode of transportation has been introduced. Hyperloop is real, and it's here now.
We've proven that our technology works and that Hyperloop One is the only company in the world that has built an operational Hyperloop system. As we move towards the commercialization of our technology, we'll continue to work with governments and embrace public-private partnerships to reimagine transportation as we know it.
What we're trying to accomplish is the cheapest, fastest, cleanest form of major public transportation. There's economic value in being able to move people and things fast - and without any delays, because the hyperloop is impervious to weather.
Everyone knows that the broadband era will breed a new generation of online services, but this is only half of the story. Like any innovation, broadband will inflict major changes on its environment. It will destroy, once and for all, the egalitarian vision of the Internet.
We are so fortunate that our new and existing investors share our vision of making Hyperloop the world's first new mode of transportation in over a century. We initially targeted $50 million and ended up raising $85 million instead.
I think we will have to spend more on defense, for infrastructure, for extension of the broadband network and also for domestic security.
We're very focused on building the hyperloop. And the hyperloop is exactly something we've described as an actual tube with levitation propulsion and a vacuum that essentially vents around sky inside the tube flying at 200,000 feet. That, to us, is the hyperloop, and we're the only company building that.
To bring the benefits of the digital age to all Americans, the FCC needs to make it easier for companies to build and expand broadband networks. We need to reduce the cost of broadband deployment, and we need to eliminate unnecessary rules that slow down or deter deployment.
The Hyperloop One Global Challenge started as a call to action for innovators, engineers, trailblazers, and dreamers around the world who shared our vision of creating a new mode of transportation. The Global Challenge became a movement of thousands of people from more than 100 countries over six continents.
Two kids in their dorm room can't start anything important in space today. That's why I want to take the assets I have from Amazon and translate that into the heavy-lifting infrastructure that will allow the next generation to have dynamic entrepreneurialism in space, to build that transportation network.
We’ll all say that. We’ll all go on and make the place safe. Roads, cities. New sky, new soil. Until it’s all some kind of Siberia or Northwest Territories, and Mars will be gone and we’ll be here, and we’ll wonder why we feel so empty. Why when we look at the land we can never see anything but our own faces.
With Hyperloop One, we are on the brink of the first great breakthrough in transportation technology of the 21st century, eliminating the barriers of time and distance and unlocking vast economic opportunities.
Hyperloop can improve life dramatically for the 16 million people in the greater Moscow area, cutting their commute to a fraction of what it is today. Our longer term vision is to work with Russia to implement a transformative new Silk Road: a cargo Hyperloop that whisks freight containers from China to Europe in a day.
Governments should look at investment in broadband as a national priority on the grounds that having broadband access for virtually everyone creates opportunities for the development of the economy that wouldn't otherwise be available.
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