A Quote by Shirley Henderson

It's odd, because I used to see pictures, on telly or wherever, of what I now know to be Shaftesbury Avenue and I used to wonder what that amazing street with all the lights was. Well, now I know. I think when you get a wee taste of something, it maybe isn't what you thought it was.
God doesn't seem to talk to people like he used to. Who's he talking to now? I don't know. Then I'm walking down the street in Manhattan one day, and I realize maybe it's those guys you see walking down the street talking to themselves. You know, those guys that are like, 'I can't! No, I can't!' Maybe the other side of that conversation is God going, 'You're the new leader.' 'No I can't!' They're not crazy - they're reluctant prophets.
Since 'Idol' I've gotten used to having an amazing hair and make-up team around me, so I'm starting to get picky. I know what I like now and I'm happy to say 'Could we maybe change that?' if I don't like something. I don't yell or anything, but I think I could definitely start to act a little diva-ish when it comes to my look.
I think I get in trouble sometimes, especially when it's like I need to be easier on [my] kids because maybe I'm a rule-follower now. I'll look at something like the kids' coloring or something and I'm like, "That's not the way that marker should be used." All imagination is gone, and it's just like, "Here's the proper way that we use a marker," you know? Maybe that's a dad thing.
I wish that the circuses that were around now felt like they did then. They're not quite as elegant or as magical as they used to be. There was something about the old tent shows, the Big Top, the canvas, the lights, the sawdust, the hay and the animals that's just missing now. Now, it's all urbanized and maybe a little garish.
I think my dad has a similar black sense of humour to mine, so perhaps it's just an inherited thing. I've got two little boys now, and I can see it with them as well. I don't know if you learn it off your parents - but my dad used to take me to see certain plays when I was quite young, so maybe that had an effect as well.
I know what to expect now with the mask and the social distancing and no crowds. But honestly, I feel like this is something I can never get used to, because this is completely not normal, and I obviously want it to be back to normal how it used to be.
When I was 40, I used to wonder what people thought of me. Now I wonder what I think of them.
People are not as nice as they used to be. There used to be a time when we conversed. You don't get a lot of real responses now. They used to be more polite and well-mannered people, generally. It's minimal now.
You have more freedom on radio. When people used to tell me they preferred radio to TV, I always thought they were making the best of things because they couldn't get any telly work, but now I understand, sort of.
I've traveled everywhere, and it's been amazing. I used to think taking a flight was kind of a big deal, you know? I'm from the valleys of South Wales and when my family used to go on holiday, it was a big thing. Packing the bags, checking in, not losing your passport, going through customs, the X-ray machine, all that stuff used to be quite an intense thing. Now it's like catching a bus, I don't even think about it.
I used to think my dad and I talked sports because it was just an easy way for two people who didn't know each other that well to make conversation. I see now it's also a way for me to see who my dad really is and, if I'm lucky, see why he made the choices he did.
It's unfortunate that some people do not see what entertainers do in the background, but many of us do so much work with causes. You know some people have chewed me out, saying things like, "Oh why could you post pictures in your dresses and meanwhile they killing black men on the street?" I'm thinking, excuse me do you know what I did today? Do you know what I'm doing right now while I'm reading this post? So I think a lot of celebrities get a bad rap because people see the surface.
Yea, I still get the 'I used to hate you when you were on WWE. I used to despise you.' And now I get 'I look up to you, I have kids too and I want to see what you're doing.' And now they are just interested in my life.
I used to be ashamed And now I am proud. The world once was black And now it is bright. I used to walk head bent And now I stand up tall. I used to have dreams But now I have hope.
See I'm used to seeing myself with hair now, so it's not a big deal. Now when I see pictures of me bald I'm like 'ew.' But people are used to seeing me bald so when I'm walking around without the hat on, I see people doing a lot of double takes.
People come out to rough me up because they think I'm not going to play well. And maybe when I was in my teen years it worked well. But I'm used to it now.
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