A Quote by Shirley MacLaine

I'm very aware, but I'm very naïve. When you are really naïve and expecting safety and expecting the best, you don't feel you're taking risks. You can get smacked a little, but usually it works out pretty well. I would say that, as much as you can instill your open-minded naivety, if you're basically open minded, then you can do damn near anything.
For me it's a dedication to your real interests. It's an ability to be open-minded. Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success. The great artists have been open-minded, even though they may seem, like Picasso, to be very directed, you can be directed and open-minded at the same time. I think you have to be really intensely serious about your work, but not so serious that you can't see the lightness that may also involve your life. You have to have that lightness too. You have to not be so heavy-handed and so ostentatious. It's very important not to be.
Distinguish open-minded people from closed-minded people. Open-minded people seek to learn by asking questions; they realize that what they know is little in relation to what there is to know and recognize that they might be wrong. Closed-minded people always tell you what they know, even if they know hardly anything about the subject being discussed. They are typically made uncomfortable by being around those who know a lot more about a subject, unlike open-minded people who are thrilled by such company.
In any big spectacular, it's really difficult to have enough voices to cover all the vocal parts. To give the audience the complete experience they're expecting, there is some reinforcement, some playback that everybody's hearing. Sometimes it's background vocals, but sometimes it will be actually vocal tracks. It's so hard to ensure, with no safety net ... you're not gonna get another shot at it, you have to have stability. I think it's very naïve of a lot of people to think that when you see someone open their mouth, they're really singing.
I work in both very strict conditions and very loose, more open-minded conditions in advertising, and Nike is by far the most open-minded of all.
My mom is very open-minded and has made Dad open-minded too.
Be open minded, but not so open minded that your brains fall out.
In general, I just try to make the people that I'm shooting feel like they are in good hands. I'm open-minded, and I invite them to be open-minded to the process. I'm direct and curious.
If I'm in a good place, then I'm really open-minded to what's being presented, but if I'm in a bad place, I'm much more closed-minded.
I'm massively open-minded to pretty much anything.
By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.
Most good police officers are very open-minded. The bad ones are the ones who are close-minded.
While it's important to be open-minded, we don't have to be naive. Although Iran claims they are developing nuclear capability only for peaceful purposes, it's most difficult to believe them when taking a step back to assess the big picture of Iran's threats and actions.
I grew up in a very open-minded family. My father died when I was very little, so my mother was really, really incredibly busy trying to provide for us.
People at the University of Portland were accepting and loving and open-minded. When you have a safety net, it allows you to take risks.
We want to be open-minded enough to accept radial new ideas when they occasionally come along, but we don't want to be so open-minded that our brains fall out.
One of the best paradoxes of leadership is a leader's need to be both stubborn and open-minded. A leader must insist on sticking to the vision and stay on course to the destination. But he must be open-minded during the process.
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