A Quote by Simon Sinek

I think most people are inherently interested in how their brain works, in what makes them tick. — © Simon Sinek
I think most people are inherently interested in how their brain works, in what makes them tick.
I'm interested in what makes people tick, how they think, what makes them behave the way they do.
I'm so interested in people's journeys and what makes them tick, the movers and shakers.
It's like, 'How can I reverse engineer what it takes to gain followers on a platform?' And I'm curious about how it works. And I'm the same way with people. I'm curious about what makes them tick.
What came up at age 49 is I realized that of all the things I'm interested in, the thing I'm most interested in is figuring out what makes people tick, why people think the way they do, why they act the way they do. And I realized that music is such a great way to investigate why people do what they do.
I've always been interested in how people think, how they react to challenges in their lives - what makes people tick. I've also always been passionate about social issues and causes, and I wanted to make films that addressed important issues in very human terms.
I am very interest in the human condition. That is what I love about acting. I like studying different people and their psychosis. I like discovering what makes them tick. I always find that with any character I play. I need to find out what makes them tick.
I'm attracted to the extreme light and the extreme dark. I'm interested in the human condition and what makes people tick. I'm interested in the things people try to hide.
I don't think I'm a chameleon. I can feel where people are coming from, what makes them tick, where they are vulnerable, what makes them feel good about themselves. I get just as much out of it as they do. I love connecting.
You can't control everything. You can't control how someone feels about you. Or what makes them tick. You can only control how you react, how you act, how you think and feel.
We have friends who don't use psychoactive materials but who are still interested in how the brain works and psychology and spiritual training. It's a very large and very intelligent bunch of people. We have two big parties each year where people bring food and drink and get to know each other. It makes a very good party.
I'm very interested in what makes people tick; people are so weird and complicated.
Because it is my second season with the team, no time has been wasted in getting to know the people I'm working with. I am aware of what the team is capable of and how the organisation works, and they are familiar with what makes me tick.
The people that do understand how the brain works and how the chemicals are released in the brain when they feel uncomfortable, uncertain or doubtful they do it anyway. They overcome the biological and neurological releases by understanding what's causing them and moving forward anyway.
For me, storytelling is all about how we learn about each other. I'm so curious about people, what makes them tick, why they are who they are, and how we all relate to each other, despite the fact that we may not think that we do.
An occasional lucky guess as to what makes a wife tick is the best a man can hope for, Even then, no sooner has he learned how to cope with the tick than she tocks.
I'm quite interested in my own mental processes, simply because I'm a failed scientist, and because I'm interested in how the brain and the mind works, and I like to avoid easy descriptions.
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