A Quote by Solomon Asch

The human mind is an organ for the discovery of truths rather than of falsehoods. — © Solomon Asch
The human mind is an organ for the discovery of truths rather than of falsehoods.
Partial truths or half-truths are often more insidious than total falsehoods.
It is well, when the wise and the learned discover new truths; but how much better to diffuse the truths already discovered, amongst the multitude! Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power; and while a philosopher is discovering one new truth, millions may be propagated amongst the people. Diffusion, then, rather than discovery, is the duty of our government.
Half-truths can be more pernicious than outright falsehoods.
Tangible language, which often tells more falsehoods than truths.
'Tis not enough your counsel still be true; Blunt truths more mischief than nice falsehoods do.
As the greatest liar tells more truths than falsehoods, so may it be said of the worst man, that he does more good than evil.
But I'd rather help than watch. I'd rather have a heart than a mind. I'd rather expose too much than too little. I'd rather say hello to strangers than be afraid of them. I would rather know all this about myself than have more money than I need. I'd rather have something to love than a way to impress you.
A human group transforms itself into a crowd when it suddenly responds to a suggestion rather than to reasoning, to an image rather than to an idea, to an affirmation rather than to proof, to the repetition of a phrase rather than to arguments, to prestige rather than to competence.
The Four Noble Truths are pragmatic rather than dogmatic. They suggest a course of action to be followed rather than a set of dogmas to be believed. The four truths are prescriptions for behavior rather than descriptions of reality. The Buddha compares himself to a doctor who offers a course of therapeutic treatment to heal one’s ills. To embark on such a therapy is not designed to bring one any closer to ‘the Truth’ but to enable one’s life to flourish here and now, hopefully leaving a legacy that will continue to have beneficial repercussions after one’s death. (154)
Falsehoods border on truths.
There are truths on this side of the Pyrenees which are falsehoods on the other
Falsehoods of convenience or vanity, falsehoods from which no evil immediately visible ensues, except the general degradation of human testimony, are very lightly uttered, and once uttered are sullenly supported.
Falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but usually quarrel among themselves.
Falsehoods which we spurn today, were the truths of long ago.
The Post-Dispatch will serve no party but the people; be no organ of Republicanism, but the organ of truth; will follow no causes bit its conclusions; will not support the Administration, but criticize it; will oppose all frauds and shams wherever or whatever they are; will advocate principles and ideas rather than prejudices and partisanship.
There are some disguised falsehoods so like truths, that 'twould be to judge ill not to be deceived by them.
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