This I ask, is it not madness to kill thyself in order to escape death?
[Lat., Hic rogo non furor est ne moriare mori?]
It is a great plague to be too handsome a man.
[Lat., Nimia est miseria nimis pulchrum esse hominem.]
Too exact, and studious of similitude rather than of beauty.
[Lat., Nimis in veritate, et similitudinis quam pulchritudinis amantior.]
Who prates of war or want after his wine?
[Lat., Quis post vina gravem militiam aut pauperiem crepat?]
Such fire was not by water to be drown'd,
Nor he his nature changed by changing ground.
[Lat., Ne spegner puo per star nell'acqua il foco;
Ne puo stato mutar per mutar loco.]
Who is a good man? He who keeps the decrees of the fathers, and both human and divine laws.
[Lat., Vir bonus est quis?
Qui consulta patrum, qui leges juraque servat.]
The Bell never rings of itself; unless some one handles or moves it it is dumb.
[Lat., Nunquam aedepol temere tinniit tintinnabulum;
Nisi quis illud tractat aut movet, mutum est, tacet.]
And so it happens oft in many instances; more good is done without our knowledge than by us intended.
[Lat., Itidemque ut saepe jam in multis locis,
Plus insciens quis fecit quam prodens boni.]
Know not what you know, and see not what you see.
[Lat., Etiam illud quod scies nesciveris;
Ne videris quod videris.]
The thirst for fame is much greater than that for virtue; for who would embrace virtue itself if you take away its rewards?
[Lat., Tanto major famae sitis est quam
Virtutis: quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam
Praemia se tollas.]
Do not pursue with the terrible scourge him who deserves a slight whip.
[Lat., Ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello.]
Know thyself, for through thyself only thou canst know God.
Now thyself is more important than “Know thyself.
Know thyself. Accept thyself. Love thyself. No matter what you have done, where you have been, know, accept, and love who you are.
Know thyself, especially thyself after a couple of drinks.
Know thyself,’ said Socrates. Know thyself,’ said Sappho, ‘and make sure that the Church never finds out.