A Quote by Soni Razdan

Everyone is different, and each has to create his or her own path, irrespective of who their parents are. — © Soni Razdan
Everyone is different, and each has to create his or her own path, irrespective of who their parents are.
Each person is different and each one will reach God by his or her own path.
The pretense that humans are superior to nonhumans is entirely unsupportable. I have seen no compelling evidence that humans are particularly more "intelligent" than any other creature. I have had long and fruitful relationshis with many nonhuman animals, both domesticated and wild, and have reveled in the bouquet of radically different intelligences - different forms, not different "quantities" that they have introduced to me, each in his or her own time, in his or her own way.
Everyone's condition is different, and the way that each person lives his or her life is different.
What I always say is, 'To each his own.' Everybody has a different trajectory or path in life.
True love allows each person to follow his or her own path, aware that doing so can never drive them apart.
God is infinitely creative, and everyone's different, and everyone has a different path, a different lesson, a different song, a different face, a different voice.
A path is something you create as you walk it. The ground you've trodden hardens, and that's what forms your path. You're the only one who can create your own path. Walk on your own. If you haven't given up yet, that is.
At a stage when young people want more than anything to be like everyone else, they find themselves the least alike. Everyone their age is growing and changing, but each at his or her own pace.
Every garden-maker should be an artist along his own lines. That is the only possible way to create a garden, irrespective of size or wealth.
Capitalism’s grow-or-die imperative stands radically at odds with ecology’s imperative of interdependence and limit. The two imperatives can no longer coexist with each other; nor can any society founded on the myth that they can be reconciled hope to survive. Either we will establish an ecological society or society will go under for everyone, irrespective of his or her status.
Everyone knew in the 1950s why a girl from a nice family left home. The meaning of her theft of herself from her parents was clear to all - as well as what she'd be up to in that room of her own.
A good teacher always refuses to have disciples! Let everyone goes his own way, in his own path instead of following others! If the direction is correct, there will be a meeting in the same place!
I don't think the world is the way we like to think it is. I don't think it's one solid world, but many, thousands upon thousands of them--as many as there are people--because each person perceives the world in his or her own way; each lives in his or her own world. Sometimes they connect, for a moment, or more rarely, for a lifetime, but mostly we are alone, each living in our own world, suffering our small deaths.
In 'The Travelers,' everyone is defined by his or her relationship to work. I put each character on a different rung of the ladder: from the lowliest assistant to a powerful man in the world of media.
in the context of loss, each child is an only to her or his parents. Human relationships do not fill in for, do not substitute for, do not replace each other.
People still create limitations and laws for women. But every woman deserves to choose her own path.
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