A Quote by Sophia Loren

I firmly believe we can make our own miracles if we believe strongly enough in ourselves and our mission on earth. — © Sophia Loren
I firmly believe we can make our own miracles if we believe strongly enough in ourselves and our mission on earth.
I firmly believe that all we send into the lives of other does indeed come back into our own. I also believe that Christmas is that wondrous time of year when each of us renews our faith that a better world is possible. By trying to live Christmas 12 months a year, we CAN make this world a better place to live - for others and for ourselves.
I believe in me, in my view of the world. I believe in my responsibility for my own destiny, guilt for my own sins, merit for my own good deeds, determination of my own life. I don't believe in miracles, I believe in hard work.
We believe strongly in transparency and accountability, which is why Teach For America encourages rigorous independent evaluations of our program. Our mission is too important to operate in any other way.
The false notion of miracles comes of our vanity, which makes us believe we are important enough for the Supreme Being to upset nature on our behalf.
Only as long as we believe in our own identity over time does it make sense for us to make future plans, avoid risks, and treat our fellow human beings fairly - for the consequences of our actions will, in the end, always concern ourselves.
The ignorant frighten children with ghosts, and the better educated assure them there is no such thing. Our understanding may believe the latter, but our instincts believe the former; so that, out of this education, we retain the terror, and just believe enough to make it very troublesome whenever we are placed in circumstances that awaken it.
i realize that the future, though invisible, has weight. We are in the gravitational pull of past and future. It takes huge energy -speed of light power- to break the gravitational pull. How many of us ever get free of our orbit? We tease ourselves with fancy notions of free will and self-help courses that direct our lives. We believe we can be our own miracles, and just a lottery win or Mr.right will make the world new.
I firmly believe that there is a God. I firmly believe that there is a Heaven. And I firmly believe that if you go there, it's gonna be great.
I believe that around us there is only one word on all sides, one immense word which reveals our solitude and extinguishes our radiance: Nothing! I believe that that word does not point to our insignificance or our unhappiness, but on the contrary to our fulfillment and our divinity, since everything is in ourselves.
Do you believe in luck, Ludlow?" I had thought about this more than once in my life. "I believe some poeple are luckier than others."..."Which do you believe in, luck or Destiny?" Joe considered a moment befoe replying, "We make our own luck, Ludlow, by our actions and our state of mind. As such you control your own fate. Oney one thing is certain: None of us can escape the grave.
As for myself, I do not believe in loggers, I believe in trees. I do not believe in fishermen, I believe in fish. I do not believe in miners, I believe in the rocks beneath my feet. I do not believe in pie in the sky spirituality, I believe in rainbows, rivers, mountains, and moss. I do not believe in environmentalists, I believe in the environment. I am a proud traitor to my species in alliance with my mother the Earth in opposition to those who would destroy her, those parasites who believe the Earth is here to serve human interests.
I firmly believe that in order to take the best care of our children, we need to be sure that we take care of ourselves. I make it a priority to plan date night once a week, make time for a massage or, at the very least, a bubble bath when I can.
Yes, I believe in guardian angels, because otherwise I must believe that life is a string of death-defying miracles - and I don't believe in miracles.
Our 'realities' are make-believe - whatever we make ourselves believe, we experience.
I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles.
I believe in the possibility of miracles but, more to the point, I believe in our need for them.
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