I am so addicted to crystals, it’s like a sickness. I’ve spent $500,000 on crystals this year. I checked my bank account last night, and I have $203 left.
The glass is always half full: I have no time for anything negative - and actually, I've bought crystals for all my team, so they all carry crystals as well.
Crystals are amplifying minerals. You have a crystal in a radio - it amplifies the sound waves. You have a crystal in a television set - it amplifies the light waves. When you hold crystals, they amplify thought waves.
When a man dies, his secrets bond like crystals, like frost on a window. His last breath obscures the glass.
In the last 15 years, only 500,000 jobs have been created per year. So from a long time ago, every year 700,000 Mexicans have only three routes to take: migration, the informal economy and the path to antisocial behavior.
I really am into crystals. I'm a real positive thinker. I believe in creative visualisation.
Each moment spent in prayer is like a coin put into a bank account.
My interest is, my one hobby is, maintaining a democracy. If you get these 500,000 soldiers advocating anything smelling of Fascism, I am going to get 500,000 more and lick the hell out of you, and we will have a real war right at home.
The kinds of things I like with crystals are the really beautiful costume jewelry, vintage pieces, and they usually have that diamond shape.
Ritual and myth are like seed crystals of new patterns that can eventually reshape culture around them.
I love to give crystals.
Crystals amplify the consciousness.
The left’s idea of “science” is that we should all be riding bicycles and using the Clivus Multrum composting latrines instead of flush toilets. Anyone who dissents, they say — while adjusting their healing crystals for emphasis — is “afraid of science.”
Every hotel room, every apartment we rent, I am sage-ing. And I have crystals that I travel with. It just makes me feel better.
And the needles of the pine trees, freshly washed to a deep, rich green, shimmered with droplets that blinked like clear crystals.
I was captured for life by chemistry and by crystals.