A Quote by Spencer W. Kimball

Sin comes when communication lines are down - it always does, sooner or later. — © Spencer W. Kimball
Sin comes when communication lines are down - it always does, sooner or later.
Admit sin, and you banish prayer. But, on the other hand, entertain, and encourage, and practice prayer, and sin will sooner or later flee before it.
When a man is not deeply convicted of sin, it is a pretty sure sign that he has not truly repented. Experience has taught me that men who have very slight conviction of sin sooner or later lapse back into their old life.
I believe in destiny. What has to come my way always does, sooner or later.
I think it's important to have open lines of communication and I think the best lines of communication are two-way lines.
You can't put down anybody. You can just try and understand. The emphasis shouldn't be on revolution, it should be on communication. Because it's just going to get more uptight. The more the revolution goes on, and there will be a civil war sooner or later.
Sooner or later. It had better be sooner. Later is like the horizon; it recedes as you approach.
Sooner or later the arm goes bad. It has to... Sooner or later you have to start pitching in pain.
Sooner or later,reality does occor and when it does, all the lies show up, like blood on snow.
Sooner or later, the ones who told you that this isn't the way it's done, the ones who found time to sneer, they will find someone else to hassle. Sooner or later, they stop pointing out how much hubris you've got, how you're not entitled to make a new thing, how you will certainly come to regret your choices. Sooner or later, your work speaks for itself. Outlasting the critics feels like it will take a very long time, but you're more patient than they are.
Maybe people are more like the earth than we know. Maybe they have fault lines that sooner or later are going to split open under pressure.
If you are going to forgive a person, Liz decides, it is best to do it sooner rather than later. Later, Liz knows from experience, could be sooner than you thought.
Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.
It seemed to me that every adult did something terrible sooner or later. And every child, I thought, sooner or later becomes an adult.
Everything's plastic, we're all going to die sooner or later, so what does it matter.
Sooner or later you learn that you belong in the big leagues, and that makes you calm down.
Sooner or later you learn that you belong in the big leagues, and that makes you calm down
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