A Quote by Sri Chinmoy

An unaspiring person believes according to what he achieves. An aspiring person achieves according to what he believes. — © Sri Chinmoy
An unaspiring person believes according to what he achieves. An aspiring person achieves according to what he believes.
To say, 'Well, he's following X person, so he believes all the things that this person believes'... I think that's ridiculous.
Every one is well or ill at ease, according as he finds himself! not he whom the world believes, but he who believes himself to be so, is content; and in him alone belief gives itself being and reality
The atheist is a religious person. He believes in atheism as though it were a new religion. According to Renan, "The day after that on which the world should no longer believe in God, atheists would be the wretchedest of all men."
What dance achieves, what play and sex achieve are the same thing that poetry achieves. They transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.
A person who believes in nonviolence believes in a living God. He cannot accept defeat.
The suspicious mind believes more than it doubts. It believes in a formidable and ineradicable evil lurking in every person.
A person who believes that Elvis is still alive is very unlikely to get promoted to a position of great power and responsibility in our society. Neither will a person who believes that the holocaust was a hoax. But people who believe equally irrational things about God and the bible are now running our country. This is genuinely terrifying.
Often times, the more power and prestige a person achieves, the more arrogant a person can become.
Oftentimes, the more power and prestige a person achieves, the more arrogant a person can become.
Dogmatism is by far the best fall-back defense, the most impregnable castle, that ignorance can find. It's also a dead give-away that the person doesn't know why he believes what he believes.
Aspiring to a souffle, he achieves a pancake at which the reader saws without much appetite.
In the long run, only woman remains true to mankind's foremost mission. Whatever she achieves, she achieves through herself, and alone. Man's master is the--public.
My trade and my art is living. He who forbids me to speak about it according to my sense, experience, and practice, let him orderthe architect to speak of buildings not according to himself but according to his neighbor; according to another man's knowledge, not according to his own.
Wealth and wisdom are seldom combined, for the person who achieves one no longer desires the other.
A theory is something nobody believes, except the person who made it. An experiment is something everybody believes, except the person who made it.
When a depressed person shrinks away from your touch it does not mean he is rejecting you. Rather he is protecting you from the foul, destructive evil which he believes is the essence of his being and which he believes can injure you.
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