A Quote by St. Lucia

You can't be 100 percent selfish when you're working with somebody else. — © St. Lucia
You can't be 100 percent selfish when you're working with somebody else.
To the winner, there is 100-percent elation, 100-percent fun, 100-percent laughter; and yet the only thing left to the loser is resolution and determination.
I think we all have the right to feel 100 percent beautiful and 100 percent confident without pleasing anybody 'cause we're not here for anybody else.
Well over half of the time you spend working on a project (on the order of 70 percent) is spent thinking, and no tool, no matter how advanced, can think for you. Consequently, even if a tool did everything except the thinking for you - if it wrote 100 percent of the code, wrote 100 percent of the documentation, did 100 percent of the testing, burned the CD-ROMs, put them in boxes, and mailed them to your customers - the best you could hope for would be a 30 percent improvement in productivity. In order to do better than that, you have to change the way you think.
First and foremost, I love Riddick Bowe more than anybody else could love him. If I wasn't 100 percent sure that I was 100 percent sound, I wouldn't jeopardize my life by getting back into the ring.
And rely on Him with 100 percent of your faith for 100 percent of your life throughout 100 percent of your tomorrows. He will give you a peace no thief can ever steal.
Give me 100 percent. You can't make up for a poor effort today by giving 110 percent tomorrow. You don't have 110 percent. You only have 100 percent, and that's what I want from you right now.
Everyone wants to be happy - people find happiness in different ways. While you want to pursue your career 100 percent, I think it is very hard to give 100 percent in something else. It's important to find this balance, and priorities change throughout life.
I can spend somebody else's money on somebody else. And if I spend somebody else's money on somebody else, I'm not concerned about how much it is, and I'm not concerned about what I get. And that's government. And that's close to 40 percent of our national income.
The time that I devote to painting is not a lot of time, but I do it 100 percent while I am working, and then there's nothing else that counts.
I can tell you this, and I'm 100 percent sure: 90 percent of the people working for WWE have never been in a real fight in their lives.
Everybody thinks I'm at death's door, but I'm not. There's nothing seriously wrong with me, and my heart is in 100 percent working order. Anything else you may hear is a damn lie!
You never agree with any one candidate 100 percent. I don't agree with myself 100 percent. You don't even agree with me 100 percent.
Getting back to 100 per cent is one thing, but working at 100 per cent is something else entirely. And given one of my main goals has always been improving my skill set, to do that, I need to be working out at 100 per cent.
Governor Romney has paid 100 percent of his taxes that are owed. He has complied 100 percent with what the law requires.
It's important to recognize that you can't have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience.
In order to succeed in WWE, you're responsible. If you put in 100 percent, you get back 100 percent.
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