A Quote by Stan Smith

Line is so versatile - you can do a fine, tight, closely observed description or simply put a line around an idea - like a cartoonist. — © Stan Smith
Line is so versatile - you can do a fine, tight, closely observed description or simply put a line around an idea - like a cartoonist.
Marvin Bell always looked very closely at how lines could break, how you could put over one line into the second line. How you could stop the line two or three times within the line: You could make it stop.
The image people have of comedians staring defiantly over a stationary line of good taste is simply inaccurate. We don't approach this line, put our toes over it arrogantly and then scamper back to safety. The line doesn't exist.
I'd love to have a shoe line, or a sunglasses line, or a purse line. Who am I kidding, I'd like to have an everything line!
Theres a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think I walk that line everyday of my life.
I just hope that I continue to keep a line between my private life and who I play, even if they are closely intertwined, and so I'm careful. I don't even know where my line is, but I know I have a line.
On the set you just have to listen very closely, listen to everyone around you, absorb everything and try to be what they want you to be with the little bitty line that you'd have to say. If it was a good line, it would be such fun to say it with vigor.
There is a fine line I have to walk throughout the writing process in a novel. It is this line between drama and melodrama, and it is this line between evoking genuine emotional power and being manipulative.
Wales are obviously a team that like to play rugby in your half and put as many people as possible in the front line and get off the line and put pressure on you.
It's sort of a fine line where you're dying to express it and then hoping no one really gets it that closely. But I'm pretty much over that. I'd really just like to be understood.
There's a very fine line between a groove and a rut; a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts.
There's a very fine line between a groove and a rut a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts.
Well, I think baseball should be fun, but there's always a line. There's a fine line with everything. Where's the line between making it fun and making it disrespectful.
The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it: so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it.
When you think of me as a football player, I would like for people to think that I put it on the line every time. Good or bad, win or lose, I put it on the line.
There's always a fine line that divides hostility from neutrality, and I don't want to pass that line.
There is a fine line between sensuousness and vulgarity. I will not cross that line.
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