A Quote by Stellan Skarsgard

How many big American films do you see where the heroine has no vanity whatsoever? — © Stellan Skarsgard
How many big American films do you see where the heroine has no vanity whatsoever?
Many films you see in theaters are financed through outside sources. With big films, the studio will pay, hoping to reap the reward of their big bet. But with medium and small-sized films, outside production companies and financiers often foot the bill.
The 'low' quality of many American films, and of much American popular culture, induces many art lovers to support cultural protectionism. Few people wish to see the cultural diversity of the world disappear under a wave of American market dominance.
In films, usually we see romantic relationships between a hero and a heroine all the time. But we rarely see love between the older generations.
I didn't see films when I was young. I was stupid and naïve. Maybe I wouldn't have made films if I had seen lots of others; maybe it would have stopped me. I started totally free and crazy and innocent. Now I've seen many films, and many beautiful films. And I try to keep a certain level of quality of my films. I don't do commercials, I don't do films pre-prepared by other people, I don't do star system. So I do my own little thing.
How long will we keep making films where hero-heroine is dancing around trees?
Ego is hilarious - especially the vanity of a comedian. As soon as you see one start worrying about how cool he is or about how many stadiums he can fill, he stops being funny.
Films just happened by chance. I had no interest in films or acting as a heroine, but that's a long story.
I grew up watching American films, listening to American music, and it's a big contribution to the rest of the world. I mean, American jazz, for me, is the best thing culturally that America has produced.
Audiences want to watch heroine-oriented films, and even writers are writing scripts for women. I am very happy to see this change.
I want to develop women-oriented films because, in most of the films, 70 per cent of the focus is on heroes and the rest on the heroine.
It's a kind of honour when I see how many people are imitating the style of how I make films.
Sorry, I said to myself, wondering how many times in my marriage I'd said that, how many times I'd meant it, how many times Claire had actually believed it, and, most important, how many times the utterance had any impact whatsoever on our dispute. What a lovely chart one could draw of this word Sorry.
I had begun my career with emotional films - Rajasthani film 'Bai Chali Sasariye.' Later I did several films as a heroine, and made the audience cry a lot. I even did action films, where I would play a dacoit or a police officer.
I started doing American films and TV before Priyanka, but of course I do small roles in big films, and I don't have the publicity machine working around me.
When I was growing up you would see big American films that really mythologised their landscape, that really showed the vastness and the drama of their country.
The foreign audiences are somewhat surprised and happy to find an American film that asks questions about American culture. There's a certain kind of cultural imperialism that we practice. Our films penetrate every market in the world. I have seen and have had people reflect to me, maybe not in so many words or specifically, but I get the subtext of it - they're somewhat charmed and surprised and happy to see an American film reflect on our culture. Because they see other cultures reflect on our culture but they don't see US culture reflecting on itself in quite the same way.
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