A Quote by Stephan James

I want to continue to grow and evolve, and I want to help other people grow and evolve. — © Stephan James
I want to continue to grow and evolve, and I want to help other people grow and evolve.
There's a lot of good people out here that want to help you grow and to help the music to continue to grow and evolve and go find those folks and be around them and carry it on... carrying the tradition on in the way with what it is that you have to offer. Find some good people in the music that will believe in you and they'll help you do that.
I want to grow. I want to be better. You Grow. We all grow. We're made to grow.You either evolve or you disappear.
Yes, you want to do studio movies, but I also want to grow as an actor, and an actress like me is not going to get roles where you grow and evolve in a studio film. It's just not gonna happen.
Being overly identified with [a certain period of time] becomes a noose around your neck, and people don't want you to grow up, they don't want you to change, they don't want you to evolve.
Continue to grow and evolve.
You have to continue to grow and evolve as individuals in order for your marriage to evolve. It takes two pillars to support a structure. If those two pillars become one, you have a structure that teeters.
As you're writing it, you want things to evolve. You want characters like that to grow.
As you grow older, you want to learn, you want to change, you want to evolve and you don't want to live in fear. Fear is the mind killer.
The Kabbalah describes angels as bundles of light, meaning intelligence, consciousness. Kabbalists believe that above every blade of grass is an angel crying "Grow! Grow!" ... I believe that above the entire human race is one super-angel, crying "Evolve! Evolve!"
I want to grow my brand and help wrestling continue to grow, too.
You know, it's funny how songs continue to grow and evolve and become a new and deeper reflection of your life.
I've realized that a lot of people come to me because of what's called identity. In the sense of "he's like me" - more like identification. Identity is one of those nonsense words: it's been used so much it doesn't mean anything. As individuals, we don't want to stay the same; identity means sameness, and we don't want to be the same, we want to keep changing, we want to grow, we want to become something else. We want to evolve. So when people come to me, it's about resonance - it goes back to that word.
I love the WWE, I love the company, but I have two kids, and they want me home. They want me to see their recitals and sporting events, and I want to see them grow and evolve.
I was always taught by my father to challenge myself and to continue to evolve in my career, and I saw the move to Manchester United as an opportunity to grow as a player and as a person.
As an artist you always want to evolve and you always want to grow.
As people grow up and they want more freedom, it's on an individual basis, children want to have more freedom, you've got to allow that, so how do you balance it. I would say let it evolve, move as quickly or slowly as people would like to move.
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