A Quote by Stephan Jenkins

I try to be the fixer of situations and I gravitate to people who are institutional misfits. — © Stephan Jenkins
I try to be the fixer of situations and I gravitate to people who are institutional misfits.
I have always been a fixer. I am a fixer. I like problems, and I like puzzles, and I like to help people, so I have been a fixer, and I have always been an educator.
Misfits aren't misfits among other misfits.
I think when you're a bigger star you get many good scripts sent to you, and you have to choose which one you're going to gravitate toward, but I just try to gravitate toward the best-written one that's been thrown my way after a lot of girls have passed on it.
I gravitate towards anything that feels challenging to me, that feels like it's gonna be saying something a bit different and new to the audience, and anything that moves me. I do movies that I would want to see, so I don't necessarily gravitate towards any genre in particular. I just try and do the best work I can and also try to keep the audience guessing.
I gravitate towards sort of broken characters who try to be better people.
I got to actually tattoo one of the members of The Misfits. The very first tattoo I ever did was this Misfits skull.
The Misfits pretty much funds the Misfits. It used to cost me money to be in the band. I think we got paid the last gig we ever did. After that, we had to work to support our families.
I don't like to go trampling on other people's sounds. That's really about it - I don't gravitate towards it, I try to move away from it.
What I've always said is that I'm opposed to institutional racism, and I would've, had I've been alive at the time, I think, had the courage to march with Martin Luther King to overturn institutional racism, and I see no place in our society for institutional racism.
Yeah, it can be dangerous to kind of try and target your art to a certain type of people! You don't know who's going to gravitate towards your work, you never know what people are going get out of the work. So I try and just create music that feels true to my taste, and then see what happens.
You can't control what people gravitate to and what they don't. We can only control the work that we do and try to give it the best that we can.
I have an institutional fear of big government. I have an institutional opposition to bureaucracy.
Cats gravitate to kitchens like rocks gravitate to gravity.
I gravitate towards roles where women find strength in very difficult, uncompromising situations but maintain clarity in mind, discipline at heart, and a certain strength in spirit.
The audience that I try to reach are members of what I call the church alumni association. Now they are people who have not found in institutional religion a God big enough to be God for their world.
To me a translator is very, very important. If the fixer is also the translator, so much the better. I have known photographers who didn't speak the language and would work in a place for weeks without one, getting by on common sense and smiles. But how many situations did they miss because they couldn't talk to someone and get the back story on details, small daily life things, etc.
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