A Quote by Stephane Hessel

To create is to resist; to resist is to create. — © Stephane Hessel
To create is to resist; to resist is to create.
Whatever you resist you become. If you resist anger, you are always angry. If you resist sadness, you are always sad. If you resist suffering, you are always suffering. If you resist confusion,you are always confused. We think that we resist certain states because they are there, but actually they are there because we resist them.
To create is to resist, to resist is to create.
When a country is invaded and attacked and people resist it's important to speak up and to say they have the right to resist and to defend their right to resist.
I began using the #smallacts hashtag on Twitter shortly after the 2016 election as a way to resist. To resist the intolerance growing in our nation, to resist an upcoming administration that I believe threatens to pull us backward and strip rights from those already marginalized.
Your desintation is a life of meaning, fulfillment, creativity and joy. A life free of fears, obsessions, compulsions, and addictions, without the insecurities others activates so easily and the torments they create in you. WHen you resist your [life] experiences, you resist the guidance they offer. Anger, resentment jealousy and fear each show you in their own way what you need to change inside yourself in order to reach your destination. Are you listening?
I think one of the problems with the capitalist mainstream is this: no matter what you create to respond or resist it they will buy it.
I create music; I create painting; I create whatever I want to create. I create, what you say, clothes. I create, I don't know, dance move. I create anything.
Fear of decision-making is one thing I personally resist, and I'm trying to encourage others to resist as well.
What I learned with Cecil Taylor was strategy and survival and how to resist temptations and resist getting discouraged.
People resist exploitation. They resist as actively as they can, as passively as they must.
We resist Joy on this planet more than we resist war.
Contrary to popular belief, conventional wisdom would have one believe that it is insane to resist this, the mightiest of empires… But what history really shows is that today`s empire is tomorrow`s ashes, that nothing lasts forever, and that to not resist is to acquiesce in your own oppression. The greatest form of sanity that anyone can exercise is to resist that force that is trying to repress, oppress, and fight down the human spirit.
For usually people resist as long as they can to dismiss the fool they harbor in their bosom, they resist to confess a major mistake or to admit a truth that makes them despair.
The Eurozone die is cast. Countries must withdraw from the euro so that governments can create their own money once again, and resist creditor demands to carve up and privatize their public domain.
It is better to resist oppression by violent means than to submit, but it is best of all to resist by nonviolent means.
The present moment is a conspiracy of the total universe. To resist it is to resist the universe. Let go and flow.
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