A Quote by Stephen Covey

Listen, involve, synergize at work. Then you will bury the old and create an entirely new winning culture which will unleash people's talents and create complementary teams where strengths are made productive and weakness are made irrelevant through the strengths of others.
The role of the leader is to foster mutual respect and build a complementary team where each strength is made productive and each weakness irrelevant.
One of the great strengths of American culture is this empowerment of individual, is the individual being able to be entrepreneurial, create new things. But you create a whole group of people to make great companies. It's employees and investors and customers and partners. The fabric of society, of a network of relations, is key to being successful.
The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths so strong that it makes the system's weaknesses irrelevant.
Managers are, and should be, totally responsible for recognizing individual strengths (both natural talents and skills), getting those strengths in proper alignment (i.e. in the right "seats"), and then leveraging them.
It's not that we ignore our weaknesses; rather, we make our weaknesses irrelevant by working effectively with others so that we compensate for our weaknesses through their strengths and they compensate for their weaknesses through our strengths.
Great teams are not made up of many well-rounded players. Great teams are made up of a variety of players, each having their own strengths.
When we look through the lens of each others' weaknesses, we make others' strengths irrelevant and their weaknesses more evident.
Our mission as humans is not only to discover our fullest selves in the technium, and to find full contentment, but to expand the possibilities for others. Greater technology will selfishly unleash our talents, but it will also unselfishly unleash others: our children, and all children to come.
Use feedback analysis to identify your strengths. Then go to work on improving your strengths. Identify and eliminate bad habits that hinder the full development of your strengths. Figure out what you should do and do it. Finally, decide what you should not do.
The time frame and how people treated each other was upsetting, but what's great about this story is that they really focus on the strengths of these people and the strengths of the culture, of who these Americans were. That, actually, is uplifting.
An effective executive builds on strengths - their own strengths, the strengths of superiors, colleagues, subordinates, and on the strength of the situation.
I will create an economic machine the likes of which we haven't seen in many decades. And people, will again go back to work and they'll make a lot of money. And we'll have companies that will grow and expand and start from new.
Teach your children how to identify their own strengths and challenge them to contribute these strengths to others.
Offer your strengths to others and you'll be amazed how many people offer their strengths to you.
I'm creatively driven to create a body of work. I was made to put on this Earth to wrestle and perform. Create a legacy, create this Villain persona to put down in the history books for people to watch for many years to come.
When I work with other people, I try to make up for their shortcomings with my strengths, and I let others make up for my flaws with their strengths. I try to co-operate with people around me when working in a group. I like to enhance team spirit on set. I try to get everyone involved in the action.
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